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The report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group (JMPR), held in Rome, 16-25 September 1996, contains a summary of the evaluations of residues in foods of the various pesticides considered as well as information on the general principles followed by the Meeting. The present document contains summaries of the residues data considered, together with the recommendations made.

The Evaluations are issued in two parts:

Part I: Residues (by FAO)
Part II: Toxicology (by WHO)

For those interested in both aspects of pesticide evaluation, not only both parts but also the reports containing summaries of residue and toxicological considerations will be available. Special attention is drawn to Annex I containing updated ADIs, MRLs, and STMR levels, which also appears in full as part of the report of the Meeting.

Some of the compounds considered at this Meeting have been previously evaluated and reported on in earlier publications. In general only new information is summarized in the relevant monographs and reference is made to previously published evaluations, which should also be consulted. In the case of older compounds which are re-evaluated as part of the periodic review programme of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) however, a comprehensive review of all available data, including data which may have previously been submitted, is carried out. Compounds evaluated for the first time are indicated by a single asterisk and those evaluated in the CCPR periodic review programme by a double asterisk in the Table of Contents.

The name of the compound appearing as the title of each monograph is followed by its Codex Classification Number in parentheses.

References to previous Reports and Evaluations of Joint Meetings are listed in Annex II.


The monographs in these Evaluations were prepared by the following participants in the 1996 JMPR for the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment: Dr. A. Ambrus, Dr. U. Banasiak, Mr. S. Crossley, Mr. D.J. Hamilton, Mr. N.F. Ives, Mr. A.F. Machin, Ms. E. Masoller and Mr. T. Sakamoto.

Note: Any comments on residues in food and their evaluation should be addressed to the:

Plant Protection Service
Plant Production and Protection Division
Food and Agriculture Organization
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

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