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Aldicarb was last evaluated for residues in 1994 within the CCPR periodic review programme. The Meeting estimated maximum residue levels for a wide range of commodities including a temporary maximum residue level of 0.5 mg/kg for potato pending the submission of data on supervised trials corresponding with current use patterns. The previous recommendation for an MRL for banana was withdrawn because the use pattern had changed.

The manufacturer submitted extensive residue data obtained from recent supervised trials on potatoes and bananas reflecting the currently recommended uses. The new results are summarized and evaluated in this monograph together with other information provided by member countries.

The Meeting was informed that additional trials are being conducted in the USA on potatoes, and that a residue programme has been initiated in the French West Indies and West Africa on bananas to generate additional data to support the new use pattern and to determine whether the PHI can be further refined. The residue data will be submitted to the JMPR when the studies are completed.

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