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Ambrus A., 1996. Estimation of uncertainty of sampling for analysis of pesticide residues, J. Environ. Sci. Health B. 31, p.435-442.

Anon., 1983. Aldicarb residue studies conducted in Spain (potatoes). Rhône-Poulenc Spain. 9 pages. JM15.

Anon., 1984. Report on supervised trial for residue analysis (Hungary). Plant Protection and Agrochemistry Station, Budapest. 7 pages. JM8.

Anon., 1989a. The evaluation of single and combination nematicide treatments for Root-knot nematode control on potatoes (includes residue summary), Trial 1. Study No. RSA/88/02N. May & Baker Agrichem. 11 pages. JM12.

Anon., 1989b. The evaluation of single and combination nematicide treatments for Root-knot nematode control on potatoes (includes residue summary), Trial 2. Study No. RSA/88/02N. May & Baker Agrichem. 11 pages. JM13.

Anon., 199 la. Concentration of aldicarb and its metabolites in potatoes (South Africa residue summary). 2 pages. JM14.

Anon., 1991b. TEMIK label residue report (Argentina). Rhône-Poulenc Ref. Nos. 192/91, 193/91, 194/91. Sistemas Analiticos Laboratorios, S. R. L. 11 pages. JM1.

Brockelsby, C. H., Maycey, P. A., Roohi, A. and Savage, E. A., 1991. Insecticide: aldicarb: decline studies on potatoes, after over-application, United Kingdom, 1990. RPAL Study No. D. Ag. 1991. Rhône-Poulenc Agric. Limited. 23 pages. JM19.

Coosemans, J., 1985. Residue summary, Belgium. Catholic University Louvain. 2 pages. JM6.

Dornseiffen, J. W. and Fontijn, A., 1983a. Residues of aldicarb (including the metabolites, aldicarb sulphoxide and sulphone) in potatoes (row application). Study No. KvW 232/CTB/PD 1100.400.311a/1982. Keuringsdienst van Waren Voor Het Gebied Amsterdam. 7 pages. JM10.

Dornseiffen, J. W. and Fontijn, A., 1983b. Residues of aldicarb (including the metabolites, aldicarb sulphoxide and sulphone) in potatoes (overall application). Study No.. KvW 231/CTB/PD 1100.400.311/1982. Keuringsdienst van Waren Voor Het Gebied Amsterdam. 15 pages. JM11.

Dris, S., 1991. Residue summary (Greece). Rhône-Poulenc Greece. 3 pages. JM7.

FAO, 1990, Guidelines on Producing Pesticide Residues Data from Supervised Trials, FAO Rome.

FAO, 1993, Codex Alimentarius, Volume Two Pesticide Residues in Food p. 372., FAO Rome.

Galoux, M., De Proft,, M., and Bernes, A., 1992. Aldicarb in edible potato crops: agronomic interest and residues in tubers during growth and after cooking. J. Agric. Food Chem 40: 139-141 JM2.

Hunt, T. W., 1991. Aldicarb: determination of rate of degradation of aldicarb carbamate residues in potatoes stored under simulated commercial conditions. RPAC Study No.EC-89-085, File No. 40986. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 39 pages. JM20.

Hurst, K. M., 1993. Aldicarb/potato, Ecuador. Magnitude of residue in field samples. RPAC File No. 44242. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 105 pages. JM5.

Kirkham, D. 27 Sep 1985. Study of aldicarb residues on potatoes. Ag Canada. Anon. 5 pages. JM3.

Maycey, P. A., Roohi, A. and Savage, E. A., 1991. Insecticide: aldicarb: residue studies on potatoes, United Kingdom, 1990. RPAL Study No. D. Ag. 1597. Rhône-Poulenc Agric. Limited. 47 pages. JM18.

Muller, M. A., 1988a. Aldicarb, formulation TEMIK G essais Martinique 1987-1988 residus dans les bananes. RPA Study No. AG/CRLD/AN/MAM/ML/8815460. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 61 pages. JM32.

Muller, M. A., 1988b. Aldicarb, formulation TEMIK G essais Martinique 1988 résidus dans les bananes, commercialisées en France. RPA Study No. AG/CRLD/AN/MAM/ML 8816769. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 19 pages. JM33.

Muller, M. A., 1988c. Aldicarb, formulation TEMIK 10G (MG), essais Tchécoslovaquie 1987, résidus dans les pommes de terre, le sol et les carottes. RPA Study No. AG/CRLD/AN/8815705. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 30 pages. JM4.

Muller, M. A., 1990. Aldicarbe, formulations TEMIK G a 5%, 10%, et 15% essais Martinique 1989 résidus dans la banane (pulpe). RPA Study No. AG/CRLD/AN/9015646. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 104 pages. JM34.

Muller, M. A., 1992. Aldicarbe et metabolites formulation TEMIK G (MG), Antilles 1990-1991, résidus dans la banane (pulpe) prête a la consommation. RPA Study No. 91-252, AG/CRLD/AN/9215722. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 45 pages. JM30.

Muller, M. A., 1993a. Aldicarbe et metabolites formulation TEMIK 10G (GR) Cote D'Ivoire 1992, résidus dans la banane, étude de décroissance. RPA Study No. 92-314, R&D/CRLD/AN/vp/9315908. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 39 pages. JM35.

Muller, M. A., 1993b. Aldicarb et metabolites formulation TEMIK 15G (GR) Egypt 1992, résidus dans la banane. RPAC Study No. 92-315, R&D/CRLD/AN/vp/9315982. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 33 pages. JM29.

Muller, M. A., 1993c. Aldicarbe et metabolites formulation TEMIK 10G(GR), Cameroon 1992, Résidus dans la banane étude de décroissance. RPA Study No. 92-313, R&D/CRLD/AN/vp/9315603. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 38 pages. JM27.

Richard, M. and Muller, M. A. 1993. Aldicarbe et metabolites (sulfoxyde and sulphone) formulation EXP05356A ou TEMIK 10G(GR), essais Antilles 1992-1993, résidus dans la banane (pulpe). RPA Study No. 92-312, R&D/CRLD/AN/vp/9316674. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 46 pages. JM31.

Richard, M, and Muller, M. A., 1994a. Aldicarb et ses métabolites (sulfoxyde et sulphone), formulation EXP05421A ou TEMIK 5G (GR), Essai Italie 1992, Résidus dans la pomme de terre. RPA Study No. 92-224, R&D/CRLD/AN/fb/9415127. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 32 pages. JM9.

Richard, M. and Muller, M. A., 1994b. Aldicarbe et ses métabolites (sulfoxyde et sulphone) formulation EXP05356A ou TEMIK 10G (GR) essai Cote D'Ivoire 1993, résidus dans la banane (étude de décroissance). RPA Study No. 93-596, R&D/CRLD/AN/bd/9315781. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 37 pages. JM36.

Richard, M. and Muller, M. A., 1994c. Aldicarbe et ses métabolites (sulfoxyde et sulphone) formulation EXP05356A ou TEMIK 10G (GR) Cameroun 1993, résidus dans la banane, commercialisée en France. RPA Study No. 93-599, R&D/CRLD/AN/fb/9317417. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 65 pages. JM37.

Richard, M. and Muller, M. A., 1994d. Aldicarbe et ses métabolites (sulfoxyde et sulphone) formulation EXP05356A ou TEMIK 10G (GR) Cote D'Ivoire 1993, résidus dans la banane, commercialisée en France. RPA Study No. 93-630, R&D/CRLD/AN/fb/9317408. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 59 pages. JM38.

Richard, M. and Muller, M. A., 1994f. Aldicarbe et ses métabolites (sulfoxyde et sulphone) formulation EXP05356A ou TEMIK 10G(GR) essai Cameroun 1993, résidus dans la banane, RPA Study No. 93-728, R&D/CRLD/AN/cb/9416577. Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie. 35 pages. JM28.

Taylor, D. T. and Clark, R. J., 1984. Determination of aldicarb residues in potatoes. Doc. 7. Hazleton Laboratories Europe Ltd. 26 pages. JM16.

Taylor, D. T., Clark, R. J., and Houseman, T. H., 1983. Determination of aldicarb residues in potatoes. Doc. 6. Hazleton Laboratories Europe Ltd. 35 pages. JM17.

Tew, E. L., 1992. Determination of aldicarb residues in potatoes treated with TEMIK 15G under furrow and under overhead irrigation practices in the Pacific Northwest. RPAC Study No. EC-90-115, File No. 41095. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 132 pages. JM21.

Tew, E. L., 1993a. TEMIK: magnitude of aldicarb residues in potatoes grown with available overhead irrigation in 1992. RPAC Study No. EC-92-180, File No. 41395. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 283 pages. JM22.

Tew, E. L., 1993b. Determination of variation in magnitude and character of aldicarb residues in potatoes from TEMIK-treated fields. RPAC Study No. EC-90-092/EC-90-117, File No. 41207. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 618 pages. JM24.

Tew, E. L., 1993c. TEMIK: Magnitude of aldicarb residues in processed potatoes, potato fractions. RPAC Study No. EC-92-211, File No. 44121. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 229 pages. JM23.

Tew, E. L., 1994a. TEMIK: magnitude of aldicarb residues in potatoes resulting from application using gravity flow and positive displacement application equipment. RPAC Study No. USA93T70, File No. 44412. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co. 3255 pages. JM25.

Tew, E. L., 1994b. TEMIK: magnitude and distribution of aldicarb residues in potatoes from the mid-row areas of 1993 Florida test plots established with positive displacement application (PDA) equipment. RPAC Study No. US94T02R, File No. 44514. Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co., Morse Laboratores, Inc. 157 pages. JM26.

Youden W., 1967, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 50, 1007-1013.

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