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(All unpublished)

Althaus, W. A. 1984. A Comparative Photodegradation Study Conducted with Carbinol-labelled, o-chlorophenyl-labelled, p-chlorophenyl-labelled, and Mixed-labelled 14C-Fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K01)

Althaus, W. A. and Beaty, J. A. 1982. 14C-Fenarimol Aerobic and Anaerobic Laboratory Soil Degradation Study. (Dow Elanco reference: K07)

Althaus, W. A. and Bewley, G. W. 1978a. Separation and Identification of Degradation Products of 14C-Fenarimol Surface applied on Soil. (Dow Elanco reference: K06)

Althaus, W. A. and Bewley, G. W. 1978b. 14C-Fenarimol Soil Residue Studies. (Dow Elanco reference: K23)

Althaus, W. A. and Donoho, A. L. 1977. Identification of [14C]-fenarimol photodegradation products and comparison to soil degradation products of [14C]-fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K10)

Butcher, S. M. and Rawle, N. 1994. The Dissipation of Fenarimol in Two Soil Types of a Typical Pome Fruit/Hop Growing Area Following Application of RUBIGAN 12EC(EAF457)- Germany 1992-94. (Dow Elanco reference: NK06)

Butcher et al. 1993. The stability of fenarimol in dried hops stored under freezer conditions. GHE-P-3198. July 1993. Unpublished. (Dow Elanco reference: NJ02).

Day, E.W. 1982. Fenarimol three-year soil dissipation studies (four locations in the USA). I-EWD-82-2. (Dow Elanco reference: K31).

Jackson, R. and Lewis, C. 1994. The Metabolism of 14C Fenarimol in Soil. (Dow Elanco reference: K41)

Perkins, J. 1993. Fenarimol Residues in Soil following a late Spring Application of Rubigan 12EC (EAF 457) to Soils from two typical Pome/hop growing areas - Germany 1990/92. (Dow Elanco reference: NK05)

Rainey, D. P. 1990. Aerobic Soil Metabolism Study of 14C Fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K08)

Saunders, D. G. 1991. Estimation of the Photochemical Quantum Yield of Fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K12)

Saunders, D. G. and Powers, F. L. 1987. Adsorption and Desorption of Fenarimol on Soil. (Dow Elanco reference: K04),

Saunders, D. G., Smith, S.K. and Mosier, J.W. 1983. An Aged Soil Leaching Study with 14C-Fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K15)

Smith, S. K. and Saunders, D. G. 1982a. Photolysis of Fenarimol on Soil (Dow Elanco reference: K30)

Smith, S. K. and Saunders, D. G. 1982b. Quantification of Fenarimol Aqueous Photoproducts. (Dow Elanco reference: K27)

Sullivan, W. L. and Saunders, D. G. 1976. Laboratory Soil Leaching with Fenarimol. (Dow Elanco reference: K14)

Vonk, J. W. and van den Hoven, A. 1981. Leaching of Fenarimol Photodegradation Products in Soil. (Dow Elanco reference: K18)

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