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Use pattern

Flumethrin is applied to cattle (including lactating cows), sheep, goats, horses and dogs as a spray, dip or pour-on treatment for the control of mange, mites, lice, biting lice and ticks. The only information provided on nationally approved uses (GAP) was on an Australian 75 g ai/l formulation for dips or sprays for cattle and horses, an Australian 1% ai pour-on for cattle and a UK 6% EC formulation for sheep dipping, all supported by labels. The submission made further general reference to a 6% EC for sprays or dips for sheep and dip for goats (Inveresk, 1996) but no labels, countries, withdrawal periods or treatment intervals were provided. The Inveresk reference to the 6% EC dip reported application rates of 44-66 mg ai/l to sheep (after milking if lactating) and 30-48 mg ai/l to goats. The application rate for sheep is consistent with the UK label. Flumethrin-impregnated plastic strips (3.6 mg/strip) are also available for the control of Varroa in bee colonies, 2 to 4 strips per chamber. This use is approved in the UK (Inveresk, 1996), but again labels and other details were not provided.

UK GAP for sheep. The 6% EC formulation for dipping sheep for scab and tick control is used at a rate of 1 l product/900-1300 l water (46-67 mg ai/l). Sheep are dipped for at least one minute with total immersion (including the head and ears) at least twice. Re-dipping after 14 days is recommended if scabies is confirmed. A 3-month interval before shearing is recommended. No withdrawal period is required before consumption of tissues or milk, but lactating sheep must be dipped after milking.

Australian GAP for cattle and horses is summarized in Table 6.

Table 6. Australian uses of flumethrin on farm animals.


Treatment interval, days

Withholding period, days



Solution concn., g/l

Rate, mg/kg bw

Dip and spray formulation, 75 g ai/l (cattle and horses)

Plunge dip


(pest- dependent)

cattle 0
horses 1

Replenish at same concn.1 before 1/4 volume loss; 20-25 animals used as stirrers (need re-dipping).

Recirculating spray




Replenish same concn. every 250 l vol. loss or after 1000 l, then after 500 l, then after every 250 l loss.

Max. 750 adults before emptying and recharging.

Constant replenishment spray




Replenish at same concn. Max. 750 adults before emptying and recharging.

Hand spray or non- recirculating spray


(assuming 500 kg animal)



Minimum 8-10 l/animal

Pour-on Formulation 10 g/l (Cattle)


10 g/l



Applied along mid-line of back from front of shoulder to tail.


* < 150 kg; (33 ml product);


** 151-300 kg; (55 ml product);


*** 301-500 kg; (75 ml product);


**** 501-750 kg; (112.5 ml product

1 It has been demonstrated over 40-70 week periods of practical cattle dipping that replenishments of flumethrin EC plunge dips at the initial rate maintain a concentration near the target without the need for replenishment at rates higher than the initial charge. For example an initial 50 mg/l will be stabilized between 40 and 50 mg/l (Terblanche, 1980c)

2 A 56-day withholding period is "suggested" for exports and may be required by some meat processors, but is not a statutory requirement

3 Implied treatment interval ("Control can be attained"). Pest-dependent for ticks. Controls Buffalo fly up to 10 days

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