ARGENTINA (20 August)

Sowing of the 1997 wheat crop is delayed because of insufficient moisture in some areas of the large producing states of Cordoba and southern and central Santa Fe, but mainly because of excessive precipitation, attributed to “El Niño” wet winter effect, in the main producing province of Buenos Aires. Both Cordoba and Santa Fe account for about 20 percent of the total area planted to wheat. By early August, about 83 percent of intended plantings had been sown compared to 93 percent by the same time last year. Latest official forecasts point out to a likely decline in the area planted from over 7 million hectares in 1996 to some 6 to 6.25 million hectares in 1997. Assuming normal weather resumes, production could reach 14 million tons which compares to last year record 16 million tons.

Planting of the barley crop is also delayed. The total area planted should be an above-average 200 000 to 225 00 hectares.