CHAD (8 August)

Following generally above normal rains in June over most producing areas, precipitation remained widespread and abundant in July. Well above normal rains have been received in July in the Sahelian zone as well as in the south-east. Precipitation was particularly abundant in late July in the eastern regions (in Ouaddaï and Salamat prefectures) and remained widespread and regular in early August. Cumulative rainfall as of late July is normal to above normal almost everywhere. Reflecting these favourable growing conditions, soil moisture reserves are adequate and coarse grains are developing satisfactorily. Pastures are regenerating well countrywide.

Grasshoppers are reported in Biltine and in Moundou regions. Treatments have been undertaken in Biltine region. Low numbers of solitary Desert Locust adults may be present in some parts of B.E.T (Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti) and lay on a small scale in areas of favourable conditions.

Following a below-average crop in 1996, the food supply situation remains tight in 1997, notably in the Sahelian zone where cereal prices are much higher than in previous years. In addition, the national security stock, which has a recommended level of 22 000 tons, is completely exhausted. The National Early Warning System (SAP) had estimated the need of vulnerable populations in the Sahelian zone at 19 500 tons of cereals to be distributed during 6 months from March. The most affected populations are in Biltine prefecture which experienced drought for the second consecutive year and pest attacks, but also in Batha and Kanem prefecture. The Government has sent sorghum to be sold at subsidized price in many of these prefectures and food distributions started in June. Following an appeal for external assistance amounting to 50 000 tons of cereals, launched by the government in December 1996, several donors confirmed or announced food aid contributions, either with imported cereals or from local purchases, notably in Salamat region. Current pledges amount to about 41 000 tons; therefore additional contributions are required to cover the deficit . In addition, the distribution of food aid in the affected areas is very slow and several villages or cantons targeted have not received any. Distributions of 7 700 tons of food aid to 356 000 beneficiaries under a World Food Program emergency food operation started in June in Biltine and Kanem regions. As of 15 July, more than 3 300 tons of food has been distributed to 275 000 beneficiaries. An FAO/WFP project is also scheduled to provide assistance to the national food information and coordination unit (CASAGC) for the monitoring of the food supply situation and food aid contributions.