KENYA (1 August)

The long rains season maize crop, currently nearing maturity, benefited from above-normal rains in late March and April. These rains counteracted somewhat the adverse impact on yields of delayed plantings due to the late start of the season. Dry conditions in May again affected yield prospects except in some areas near Lake Victoria which received good rains in late June. While an average maize crop is anticipated, the output of wheat is expected to increase, reflecting above-average plantings and satisfactory weather conditions. Aggregate production of cereals, including the already harvested short-rains crops, mostly coarse grains, could exceed last year’s harvest but will be well below the 1994 record. Plantings of beans and Irish potatoes have been reduced. Overall, the food supply situation remains tight and this is reflected in increased food prices. The distribution of food aid by WFP and some NGOs continues in pastoral and marginal agriculture areas affected by a succession of drought years. This has somewhat eased the difficult food situation.