LAOS* (12 August)*

Following high temperatures and low rainfall in June, scattered thundershowers are gradually improving conditions for main season rice. However, more rain is still needed. The crop will be harvested in November/December.

In 1996, adverse weather conditions seriously affected rice production in major rice producing areas in the lowlands of Central and Southern Region. The provinces of Khammouane, Savannakhet and Champasack were the most affected, where an estimated 420 000 people require assistance.

In view of the shortage, in March 1997 an emergency operation was jointly approved by FAO and WFP, to raise 30 240 tons of rice for flood victims. Donors have provided cash to purchase 14 700 tons of glutinous rice in Thailand. About half of this quantity has already been distributed by NGOs; the remainder should arrive in the country by mid-September.