MADAGASCAR (19 August)

Aggregate cereal production in 1997 is estimated at 2.7 million tons, about the same as in 1996. This is mainly due to good climatic conditions, despite a potential fall in yields as a result of the delay in transplanting the second (main) season rice. Crops in the south-west were affected by migratory locust. An FAO/WFP Mission is presently in the country to evaluate the impact of locusts on crop and food situation in southern areas. With the end of rains in May/June, swarms have moved towards the north where they are likely to pose a major threat to the rice crop in the north- west later in the year. The Government has undertaken control operations with the support of the international community and coordination by FAO.

The food supply situation during the 1997/98 marketing year is expected to be satisfactory and the bulk of the food shortfall could be covered locally and by commercial imports.