PAKISTAN (1 August)

June was generally wet, providing widespread precipitation over agricultural areas. Normally during June crops are at risk of moisture stress, though this year, favourable moisture conditions benefited crops.

The estimate for 1997/98 wheat production has been revised up by 500 000 tons from 15.8 million tons earlier, to 16.3 million tons. The primary reason for a larger crop than anticipated is favourable weather conditions from March through May and a 6 percent increase in average yields. In addition, reported damage to the wheat crop from the rains in early April was localized and not significant. In efforts to increase wheat production in 1998, the government plans to increase the supply of quality seeds during the next sowing season to begin in November/December.

Official reports indicate that the government plans to import some 4 million tons of wheat in 1997/98 to build stocks.