The recent political upheaval in Sierra Leone has aggravated the already precarious food security situation in the country. Following the upheaval, the security situation remains very volatile, international aid workers have been evacuated and rehabilitation projects have been put on hold. Up to 20 000 people have fled to neighbouring countries, mostly to Guinea and The Gambia. As a result of the embargo imposed by ECOWAS, the food supply situation is tightening in the main towns. The price of rice has doubled in Freetown and the supply of food and water is deteriorating. As a result, people are increasingly consuming bulgur wheat and cassava. An acute fuel shortage is also reported and severely affects all economic activities. Only a limited number of shops and markets have re-opened since the upheaval. Limited food distributions to vulnerable people in Freetown, Bo, Kenema and Makeni are underway for about 26 000 persons. Despite the looting, about 21 000 tons of relief food was reported to be available in the country as of first of July. In late 1996, an FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission estimated paddy production at about 391 000 tons which was 10 percent above the previous year. Production of root crops was also projected to increase by 7 percent to an estimated 328 000 tons. Cereal import requirement for 1997 had been estimated at 260 000 tons and the food aid requirement at some 80 000 tons. Cereal food aid requirements to support resettlement/rehabilitation activities implemented by WFP and CRS had been estimated at 60 500 tons. With the current upheaval, import and food aid requirements will increase significantly.

Insecurity has severely hampered agricultural activities, especially the planting of the main crops which normally takes place in April to June. Light rains started in late March in the south-east, and remained very sparse in April. The rainy season properly started in early May with substantial and widespread rains throughout the month. Precipitation remained widespread in June and decreased during the third dekad. Planting of millet, maize and rice are drawing to an end, while sorghum is emerging. However, the upheaval and subsequent insecurity will adversely affect the 1997 food production. Contrary to previous expectations resulting from the return to peace, planted areas are likely to be sharply reduced. Some farmers are abandoning their farms while others are discouraged from cultivating large areas. For rice, which is the main cereal, seedbeds have already been planted but transplanting still needs to be done. With regard to cassava, the impact may be less as this crop can remain stored in the ground. For all planted crops, the reduction of activity in the fields during the growing cycle will reduce yields. Insecurity will also affect the distribution of inputs. Thus, despite the implementation of rehabilitation programmes until mid-May, the prospects for the 1997 food production have deteriorated and the country will continue to rely heavily on food aid to meet its consumption needs.