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36. Exchange of notes between the Union of South Africa and Northern Rhodesia regarding the Eastern Boundary between the Caprivi Strip and Northern Rhodesia and the grant of privileges to Northern Rhodesia natives on the Caprivi Islands. Pretoria, 4 July, and Cape Town, 25 July 193362

(62British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 136, p. 520.)

(No. 2) The South African Prime Minister. Minister for External Affairs, to the High Commissioner for His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom

Pretoria, July 4, 1933

Your Excellency,

With reference to my note of today's date regarding the Eastern boundary between the Caprivi Strip and Northern Rhodesia and the ownership of the islands in the Zambesi river, I have the honour to state that His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa, in their capacity as mandatory power over South-West Africa, have given careful consideration to the request put forward by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that natives of Northern Rhodesia may be allowed to exercise the privilege of cultivation, hunting, fishing and of cutting poles and reeds in certain of the Caprivi islands.

His Majesty's Government in the Union are prepared to grant a general permission, unlimited in point of time, to natives of Northern Rhodesia to carry on reed-cutting and fishing on the islands Nantungu, Kasuntula, Sikachila, Ngolongo, Greater Isolionke and Samasikili, subject to the reservation that such permission may be withdrawn at any time, in respect of all or any of the islands named, without any reason being assigned.

The present note, and Your Excellency's reply in a similar sense, will be regarded as giving validity to, and as placing on record, the understanding between the Government of the Union and the Government of Northern Rhodesia in the matter.


(No. 4) The High Commissioner for His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the South African Prime Minister. Minister for External Affairs

Cape Town, July 25, 1933


With reference to my note of today's date regarding the Eastern boundary between the Caprivi Strip and Northern Rhodesia and the ownership of the islands in the Zambesi river, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 4th July stating that His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa, in their capacity as mandatory power over South-West Africa, have given careful consideration to the request put forward by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that natives of Northern Rhodesia may be allowed to exercise the privilege of cultivation, hunting, fishing and of cutting poles and reeds in certain of the Caprivi Islands.

I note that His Majesty's Government in the Union are prepared to grant a general permission, unlimited in point of time, to natives of Northern Rhodesia to carry on reed-cutting and fishing on the islands Nantungu, Kasuntula, Sikachila, Ngolongo, Greater Isolionke and Samasikili, subject to the reservation that such permission may be withdrawn at any time, in respect of all or any of the islands named, without any reason being assigned.

I have the honour to accept, on behalf of the Government of Northern Rhodesia, the arrangement set forth above, and this note and your note to which it is a reply will be regarded as giving validity to, and as placing on record, the understanding between the Government of the Union and the Government of Northern Rhodesia in the matter.


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