AZERBAIJAN (14 November)

FAO estimates the 1997 grain harvest at 1.16 million tons, some 60 000 tons more than last year. This is somewhat higher than the official estimate (1.08 million tons) as with the ongoing privatization process many farmers are producing cereals outside traditional areas and this output is not reflected in official statistics. The area sown to wheat increased by 80 000 hectares, partially at the expense of barley. However, flood damage in July caused some crop damage. Nevertheless average yields on the remaining area was higher than last year. Production of wheat is tentatively estimated at 925 000 tons, compared to 800 000 tons last year. The coarse grain harvest is estimated at about 215 000 tons, 64 000 tons less than last year reflecting the reduced area sown. Production of potatoes in the private sector is increasing.

Per caput consumption of basic foodstuffs has stabilized. Following the successful privatization of the State Bread Corporation earlier this year a Strategic Cereals Reserve is to be created this year with the assistance of the EU. For this purpose the country will receive 35 000 tons of food aid in wheat to provide a revolving fund for imports as well as cash funds (from counterpart funds from past food aid deliveries) for local purchases. The domestic cereal requirement in 1997/98 is estimated at 1.5 million tons, (human consumption needs just over 1 million tons and feed and other uses 0.5 million tons). Given cereal production of 1.145 million tons (excluding pulses) the country would need to import 435 000 tons of cereals. The bulk of this is expected to be imported commercially but relief food aid for targeted distribution to the vulnerable populations will continue to be necessary. Confirmed pledges to date amount to 46 000 tons.

WFP continues supporting 155 000 internally displaced (IDPs) and otherwise vulnerable persons through relief food distributions and food-for-work activities. Whilst pledges are being received, 1,314 tons of cereals, 410 tons of edible oil, 341 tons of pulses and 50 tons sugar are still required to cover the needs until 30 June 1998.