BOTSWANA (14 November)

Localized rains in southern parts of the country in October improved conditions for land preparation for 1998 cereal crops to be planted in the next few months. In anticipation of a possible El Niño related drought later in the season, national authorities are advising farmers to take advantage of early rains to plant fast maturing crops such as millet or short season sorghum. Estimates of the 1997 coarse grain crop stand at 27 000 tons, including 21 000 tons of millet and sorghum, which is one-third of last year’s crop. Maize production dropped to 6 000 tons against last year's 23 000 tons as a result of adverse weather conditions and pests.

The food supply situation for the 1997/98 marketing year is expected to be satisfactory as cereal import requirements are likely to be met commercially.