GUATEMALA (20 November)

Adverse weather continue to affect the developing 1997/98 second season cereal and bean crops. These were affected by seasonal hurricane rains and heavy flooding in the south-central province of Escuintla in late September, and by dry weather again in October. The output of maize, the main crop, for both seasons is expected to decline from last year’s below average 1.1 million tons to 900 000 tons. This is mainly the result of first season crop losses caused by El Niño-related drought. Lesser damage is reported to the modest paddy crop and output should be slightly below-average. Localized losses are reported to the bean crop. In an effort to cope with the continuing effect of El Niño, contingency planning has been adopted by various Ministries and institutions, such as the financing of small irrigation systems, improvements of rural roads, control of strategic grain reserves, improvement in the dissemination of adequate weather information and other protective measures.

Wheat imports in marketing year 1997/98 (November/October) are likely to decline from last year’s receipts of 320 000 tons to some 275 000 tons, mostly as a consequence large carry-over stocks. Maize imports (July/June) should increase from 400 000 tons to about 610 000 tons in order to cover the deficit in production and thus meet the strong domestic demand. Rice imports in 1998 (January/December) should be about 35 000 to 40 000 tons.