MEXICO (28 November)

Dry weather and warm temperatures in recent weeks have favoured harvesting of the 1997 maize crop currently underway. The crops, particularly those grown in the southwestern states, had been affected by torrential rains and flooding in early October, and formerly by long weeks of scant precipitation. Other cereal, food and cash crops were also affected. Despite damage incurred, latest official forecasts point to a well above-average crop of 18.5 to 19 million tons. The anticipated good results would be mainly due to improved yields caused by a larger use of fertilizers. The sorghum crop grown in the north-eastern states, affected by dry weather in the past 4 years, benefited from normal rains in October, and output is provisionally forecast at an above-average 5.5 to 6 million tons. This principally reflects enlarged plantings.

Planting of the 1998 irrigated wheat crop is underway in the main growing regions of the northwest. Water reservoir levels are reported to be adequate, following normal to abundant rains in late September, and average to above-average plantings are expected.