MOZAMBIQUE* (17 November)

Preparation for the 1997/98 crop season has started amidst serious concerns over a possible El Niño-related drought. The government has initiated an information campaign to raise the population’s awareness, particularly of the need to prepare contingency plans.

Following the good cereal harvest in 1997 of 1.53 million tons, including record maize output of 1.04 million tons, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Cereal import requirements are estimated at 205 000 tons of rice and wheat, compared to over 300 000 tons in the previous years. Food aid, estimated at about 112 000 tons of grain, is primarily for vulnerable people in remote areas and in regions affected by floods earlier in the year. Pledges to date amount to 206 000 tons, of which 82 000 tons have been delivered.