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2.1 Aquafeeds and Feeding Strategies

Tacon, A. G. J.

There has been a growing trend within most developing countries and many developed countries (e.g. Japan) toward the increased use of artificially compounded feeds (aquafeeds) for farmed finfish and crustaceans. This trend has been particularly apparent within developing countries with the progressive intensification of farming systems, and in particular within the main LIFDC1 finfish- and crustacean-producing countries (i.e. China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines) for the production of both lower-value staple food fish species (mainly freshwater finfish such as carp, tilapia and catfish) and higher-value cash crop species for luxury or niche markets (mainly marine and diadromous species such as shrimp, salmon, trout, yellowtail, seabass, seabream and grouper). In fact, the production of aquafeeds has been widely recognized as one of the fastest expanding agricultural industries in the world, with annual growth rates in excess of 30% per year (Rabobank Nederland, 1995; Tacon, 1996).

Figure 2.1.1
Figure 2.1.1. Estimated global use of manufactured animal
feed for major animal groups in 1995 (Gill, 1996) Although no official statistics are currently collected by FAO concerning compound animal feed production within its Member States (including the production of farm-made and commercially compounded aquafeeds), it has been estimated by Gill (1996) that the total world production of manufactured compound animal feeds was about 560 million mt in 1995 (valued at over US$55 thousand million), of which aquatic feeds constituted 3% or 16.8 million mt (Figure 2.1.1). Gill (1997) estimated global aquafeed production to be 18.2 million mt in 1996, although no information was provided as to the quantities of aquafeeds produced for the different major cultivated species within individual countries or regions.

Figure 2.1.2
figure 2.1.2. Estimated global aquafeed production
(mt) in 1994 (Smith & Guerin, 1995)
Estimates of global aquafeed production by major feed ingredient suppliers and workers from within the aquaculture sector have been considerably lower, ranging from 3.34 million mt in 1992 (New and Csavas, 1995), 3.57 million mt in 1994 (Pike, 1997), 4.25 million mt in 1994 (Smith and Guerin, 1995), to 6 million mt in 1996 (Feord, 1997). Smith and Guerin (1995) estimated that about 60% of the total aquafeed production in 1994 was produced in Asia (37%) and Europe (21%), with over half of the aquafeed produced being for salmonids (27%) and shrimp (25%), followed by catfish (7%), eel (7%), marine finfish (6%), and other non-carnivorous finfish (carp, tilapia, milkfish, etc., 28%) (Figure 2.1.2). On the basis of dietary feeding habit, 40% of total aquafeed production was for carnivorous finfish species, 35% for non-carnivorous finfish species (including catfish), and 25% for shrimp.

Projections for aquafeed production for the year 2000 have been made by several authors and range from 4.5 million mt (a 35% increase from 1992; New and Csavas, 1995), 4.6 million mt (a 56% increase from 1990; Chamberlain, 1993) to 7.5 million mt (assumes a modest annual growth of 10% per year or a 78% increase from 1994; Tacon, 1996).

In general, the major global challenges currently facing aquafeed development are as follows:

In contrast to the majority of freshwater farming systems, almost all production systems for brackishwater or marine finfish and crustaceans (i.e. diadromous and marine species) are dependent upon capture fisheries for sourcing their inputs through: a) the capture of wild broodstock for spawning (most penaeid shrimp and marine finfish farming); b) the collection of wild `seed’ for subsequent on-growing to market size, such as milkfish, yellowtail, mullet, eels, groupers, etc., and most types of extensive penaeid shrimp farming; and c) the use of whole or processed fishery products as feed inputs (Tacon and Barg, in press). At present, nearly all farming operations for carnivorous diadromous finfish, marine finfish and crustaceans, which are based upon the use of aquafeeds, are net fishery resource `reducers’ rather than `producers’. The quantity of inputs of dietary fishery resources in the form of fishmeal, fish oil, crustacean by-product meals, `trash fish’, etc., exceeds outputs in terms of farmed fishery products by a factor of 2 to 3.

Production of the 3 million mt of farmed marine/diadromous finfish/crustacean species (wet basis) in 1995 would have required over 1.5 million mt of fishmeal and fish oil (dry basis) or the equivalent of over 5 million mt of pelagic fish (wet basis; assumes a pelagics to fishmeal conversion factor of 5:1). This is not surprising because fishmeal and fish oil usually constitute 50-75% by weight of compound aquafeeds for most commercially farmed carnivorous finfish species and 25-50% by weight (together with shrimp meals and squid meal) of compound aquafeeds for marine shrimp. This conversion of pelagic biomass to fishmeal used for aquafeeds results in the `double counting’ of fish production, once as capture fishery landings and again as aquaculture production.

Figure 2.1.3
figure 2.1.3 Estimated total use of fishmeal by
farmed animals 1994 and 2010 (Pike, 1997) Despite the superior nutritional and economic merits of feeding regimes based upon the use of fishery resources as feed inputs for carnivorous fish and marine shrimp, the future availability and cost of these feed ingredients are both uncertain and unstable. Despite optimistic projections made by the fishmeal and fish oil manufacturing industry concerning the availability and use of these fishery products for animal feeds (including aquafeeds) over the next decade (Tables 2.1.1 - 2.1.3, Figure 2.1.3; Pike, 1997), there are increasing doubts regarding the long-term sustainability of farming systems based entirely upon these finite and valuable fishery resources, in particular concerning the efficiency and ethics of feeding potentially food-grade fishery resources back to animals (including fish) rather than feeding them directly to humans (Best, 1996a; Hansen, 1996; Pimentel et al., 1996; Rees, 1997).

In the short term, efforts could be focused on the potential use of non-food grade fishery by-products (i.e. fishery by-catch and discards, and fishmeals produced from fish processing plants and industrial non-food fishes [Alverson et al., 1994; New, 1996]). Clearly, however, the long-term efforts must be placed on the use of by-products from the much larger and faster-growing terrestrial agricultural production sector, including: 1) terrestrial animal by-product meals resulting from the processing (i.e. rendering) of non-food grade livestock by-products; 2) plant oilseed and grain legume meals; 3) cereal by-product meals; and 4) miscellaneous protein sources such as single-cell proteins, leaf protein concentrates, invertebrate meals, etc. However, the eventual success of these potential feed resources as fishmeal replacement in aquafeeds will in turn depend upon the further development and use of improved techniques in feed processing/manufacture (Riaz, 1997; Watanabe and Kiron, 1997) and feed formulation, including the increased use of specific feed additives such as feeding stimulants, free amino acids, feed enzymes, probiotics and immune-enhancers (Devresse et al., 1997; Feord, 1997; Hardy and Dong, 1997).

Moreover, in developing countries, efforts should be made whenever possible to upgrade, through the use of improved processing methods, and increase the use of locally available feed ingredient sources so as to reduce the current dependence of most developing countries upon imported sources (Rabobank Nederland, 1995; Best, 1996b). For example, in a recent survey of the aquaculture feed manufacturing sector in the Philippines, it was estimated that approximately 45-75% of the ingredients used in commercial aquaculture feeds for finfish (mainly tilapia and milkfish) and 85-95% of those for marine shrimp were imported, as compared with only 20-30% for livestock and poultry feeds (Cruz, 1997). However, in marked contrast to commercially produced aquafeeds, the local production of farm-made aquafeeds by small-scale farmers plays an important role in that it does facilitate the use of locally available feed ingredient sources and agricultural by-products that would otherwise not be used (New et al., 1995).

Clearly, if the finfish and crustacean aquaculture sector is to sustain its rapid growth rate (11.7% per year since 1984) into the next millennium, the aquafeed manufacturing sector will have to compete successfully with other users, including humans and the much larger animal livestock production sector (see Figure 2.1.1) for available feed resources. Therefore, in the coming decade, the aquaculture sector will have to base its feeding regimes upon the use of feed ingredient sources whose global production and availability can keep pace with the increasing needs of a growing and hungry world. For example, in terms of global protein supply, soybean meal production has been growing more than four times faster than has fishmeal production: an average annual growth rate between 1984 and 1995 of 4.6% from 56.7 to 93.40 million mt, compared with 1.1% from 6.11 million mt to 6.87 million mt for fishmeal production (Figure 2.1.4). In addition, it is generally expected that strong demand from Asia, and in particular from China, for available feed resources will have a considerable impact on world commodity markets and feed prices (Brown, 1995; Rabobank Nederland, 1995; Gill, 1997). China is the world’s largest importer of fishmeal (ca. 0.88 million mt in 1996; Buckley, 1997) and ís the world's second largest compound animal feed manufacturer (ca. 42-48 million mt in 1995). Its feed production is expected to expand to more than 100 million mt by 2005 (Anon., 1997a, 1997b) and 120-150 million mt by 2010 (Zhang Yu, 1996). The official government estimate for aquafeed production in China in 1994 was 1.85 million mt (5% of total compound feed production; Zhang Yu, 1996); unconfirmed estimates for aquafeed production in China in 1996 exceed 5 million mt.

As farming systems intensify, either in terms of increased stocking density and consequent nutrient input or in terms of number of farms per unit area, the need for development of environmentally cleaner or 'greener' feeding strategies becomes greater. The net result of excess nutrient loss is an economic loss to the farmer, and a potentially deteriorating aquatic environment within and possibly outside the farm, with consequent increased stress to the cultured animals and increased susceptibility to disease. Thus, feeding regimes should be designed to minimize nutrient loss and faecal output, and to maximize nutrient retention and the health status of the cultured species. Such actions would in turn help to improve the social acceptance and confidence of the sector in terms of aquatic resource use and environmental sustainability (Tacon et al., 1995).

Figure 2.1.4
figure 2.1.4. World 
production of fishmeal, fish oil, soybean meal and soybean oil, 1961 - 1995 In this respect, feed manufacturers have the very important responsibility of ensuring that the feed they provide to farmers is both nutritionally correct for the intended farming production system, and is managed correctly by the farmer. Feed manufacturers can contribute to reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture by: 1) providing information to promote efficient husbandry in order to reduce wastage through uneaten food; 2) optimizing nutrient retention by improving digestibility of nutrients and dietary nutrient balance; 3) producing palatable feeds; 4) adopting feed-processing technology that will reduce leaching, dust and pellet disintegration; and 5) minimizing fish mortality through the development of health-promoting diets (Talbot and Hole, 1994).

At present, most commercially available aquafeeds for extensive and semi-intensive pond farming systems are over-formulated as nutritionally complete diets, irrespective of the intended fish or crustacean stocking density and consequent natural food availability. Clearly, this situation will have to be rectified if farmers are to minimize feed wastage and the deposition of uneaten feed and potentially toxic pond sediments, thus reducing production costs and maximizing returns. The important message here is for feed manufacturers and on-farm feed compounders to tailor the feed to the intended farming system and not just to the theoretical requirements of a fish or shrimp with no access to natural food (Chamberlain and Hopkins, 1994; Anderson and De Silva, 1997; Chamberlain, in press; Tacon and Basucro, 1997).



Anderson, T.A. and S.S. De Silva. 1997. Strategies for low-pollution feeds and feeding. Aquaculture Asia 11(1):18-22.

Alverson, D.L., Freeborg, M.H., Murawski, S.A. and Pope, J.A. 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 339. Rome, FAO. 233p.

Anon. 1997a. Chinese feed industry is expanding at a rapid rate. Feed Milling International 191(5):3.

Anon. 1997b. All eyes on China as soyabean prices rise. Feed Milling International 191(5):4.

Best, P. 1996a. Focus on feed: should fish meal be cowed by the ethics of environmentalism? Feed International 17(8):4.

Best, P. 1996b. Costs crunch clouds outlook for Malaysia and other import-dependent countries. Feed International 17(9):40-49.

Buckley, J. 1997. Fishmeal supply concerns. Feed Milling International 191(5):9.

Brown, L.R. 1995. Who will feed China: Wake-up call for a small planet. Worldwatch Institute Environmental Alert Series. Washington D.C., World Watch Institute.

Chamberlain, G.W. 1993. Aquaculture trends and feed projections. World Aquaculture 24(1):19-29.

Chamberlain, G.W. (In Press). Sustainability of World Shrimp Farming. In E.K.Pikitch, D.D.Huppert and M.P.Sissenwine (eds.) Global trends: fisheries management. Symposium 20. Maryland, American Fisheries Society.

Chamberlain, G.W. and J.S. Hopkins. 1994. Reducing water use and feed cost in intensive ponds. World Aquaculture 25(3):29-32.

Cruz, P. 1997. Aquaculture feed resource atlas of the Philippines. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 366. Rome, FAO. 253p.

Devresse, B., M. Dehasque, J. Van Assche and G. Merchie. 1997. Nutrition and Health, p.35-66. In A.Tacon and B. Basurco (eds.) Feeding Tomorrow’s Fish. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes Vol. 22. Zaragoza, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneenes, Institut Agronomique Mediterraneen de Zaragoza.

Feord, J.C. 1997. An enzyme system specially developed to enhance the nutritional value of soya based carp and tilapia diets. 9p. In Feed Ingredients Asia ‘97. Uxbridge, Turret-RAI.

Gill, C. 1996. World feed panorama: more growth in key countries of Asia and Latin America. Feed International 17(1): 4-5.

Gill, C. 1997. World feed panorama: high cost of feedstuffs: global impact, response. Feed International 18(1):6-16.

Hansen, P. 1996. Food uses of small pelagics. INFOFISH International 4:46-52.

Hardy, R.W. and F.M. Dong. 1997. Salmonid nutrition: constraints and quality standards. 12p. In Feed Ingredients Asia ‘97. Uxbridge, Turret-RAI.

New, M.B. 1996. Responsible use of aquaculture feeds. Asian Aquaculture 1(1):3-15.

New, M. and I. Csavas. 1995. The use of marine resources in aquafeeds, p.43-78. In H.Reinertsen and H. Haaland (eds.) Sustainable Fish Farming. Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema Publishers.

New, M.B., A.G.J. Tacon and I. Csavas (eds). 1995. Farm-made aquafeeds. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.343. Rome, FAO. 434p.

Pike, I.H. 1997. Future supplies of fish meal and fish oil: quality requirements for aquaculture with particular reference to shrimp. 26p. In Feed Ingredients Asia ‘97. Uxbridge, Turret-RAI.

Pimentel, D., R.E. Shanks and R.C. Rylander. 1996. Bioethics of fish production: energy and the environment. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 9(2):144-164.

Rabobank Nederland. 1995. The compound feed industry. Utrecht, Rabobank International. 59p.

Rees, T. 1997. New pressures, new perspectives. Fish Farmer 20(1):46-48.

Riaz, M.N. 1997. Aquafeeds to optimise water quality. Feed International 18(3):22-28.

Smith, P. and M. Guerin. 1995. Aquatic feed industry and its role in sustainable aquaculture, p.1-11. In Feed Ingredients Asia’95 Conference. Uxbridge, Turret-RAI.

Tacon, A.G.J. 1996. Global trends in aquaculture and aquafeed production, p.90-108. In International Milling Directory 1996. Uxbridge, Turret -RAI.

Tacon, A. and B. Basurco (eds.). 1997. Feeding Tomorrow’s Fish. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes Vol. 22. Zaragosa, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneenes, Institut Agronomique Mediterraneen de Zaragoza. 307p.

Tacon, A.G.J. and U.B. Barg. (In Press). Major challenges to feed development for marine and diadromous finfish and crustacean species. In S.S. De Silva (ed.) Tropical Mariculture. London, Academic Press.

Tacon, A.G.J., M.J. Phillips and U.C. Barg. 1995. Aquaculture feeds and the environment: the Asian experience. Water Science Technology 10:41-59.

Talbot, C. and R. Hole. 1994. Fish diets and the control of eutrophication resulting from aquaculture. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 10:258-270.

Watanabe, T. and V. Kiron. 1997. Feed protein ingredients for aquaculture in Japan. 6p. In Feed Ingredients Asia ‘97. Uxbridge, Turret-RAI.

Zhang Yu. 1996. Developments in China’s feed industry. International Milling Flour and Feed 190(8):22-27.

1 Low-income food deficit countries