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The task of preparing a training manual on Agricultural Research Institute Management began with the FAO Expert Consultation on Strategies for Research Management Training in Africa, held at the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-16 December 1983. Following the recommendations of the consultation, and on the basis of the curriculum design adopted, FAO embarked upon the preparation of this manual. In the process of its preparation, many agricultural research managers and management specialists have contributed. Besides the two main consultants, namely Dr Ronald P. Black, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, USA, who prepared the first draft, and Dr V.N. Asopa, Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, who prepared me current version of the manual, the contribution of me following specialists in various fields must be singled out: Ramesh Bhat, J. Casas, A.K. Jain, F.S. Kanwar, V. Martinson, Gopal Naik, P. Nath, R.K. Patel, T.P. Rama Rao, S.K. Sharma, E.S. Tayengco, and J.S. Woolston. FAO expresses its gratitude to them all.

Special thanks are due to the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), which has willingly made available its valuable experience and relevant materials throughout the preparation of the manual.

FAO also thanks all those authors and publishers who have allowed the use of copyright material from their publications, even though the courtesy is recognized in each case.

This manual has been prepared under the responsibility of the Research Development Centre, Research and Technology Development Division, FAO, with the guidance of: Mohamed S. Zehni, former Director; and J.H. Monyo, E. Venezian and B. Müller-Haye, past Chiefs of me Research Development Centre. Scientific supervision was provided by G. Beye, Senior Officer, now Chief, Research and Technology Development Service.

Module 1 - Institutional agricultural research: Organization and management

This module contains four sessions:

Session 1.


Session 2.


Session 3.


Session 4.


The first session introduces participants to the concept of management. Various managerial functions are described to simulate the management process. The understanding so derived is applied to agricultural research organizations. The remaining three sessions could be either combined into a long session or presented individually, depending upon me profile of the participants in the workshop and the time available.

The issues covered in these sessions are:

· What is research and why does one conduct research? Research is conducted to produce technical change which increases productivity. This leads to a discussion on productivity-related issues.

· Organization and management of international agricultural research.

· Organization and management of national agricultural research systems (NARS).

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