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Extension for sustainable forest management is an ongoing process taking place in a range of institutional and social settings. Often, the design and creation of new extension service is a luxury that organizations cannot afford. On the contrary, small-scale refinements and means to overcome daily obstacles are needed. A Trouble-shooter’s guide to forestry extension problems is meant as a practical aid to resolving common problems encountered in working together with local people and promoting sustainable forest management. The audience for such a guide includes field-level forestry extension workers and managers, village leaders and village extension workers, and others involved in natural resource extension programmes. It should be useful to a range of organizations from governmental services to NGOs and from local associations to international donors. ... Solutions to most extension problems must be found locally, by systematic problem solving, tapping local knowledge and skills and the application of local knowledge and expertise. (From the Preface by Mr H. El-Lakany, Assistant Director-General, FAO Forestry Department.)

To obtain copies of the guide, which is available in hard copy and electronic versions, please contact Forestry Extension Officer, Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service (FORC), Forestry Department, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
Fax: (+39 6) 570 55137;
[email protected]

Bolton, M., ed. 1997. Conservation and the use of wildlife resources. London, Chapman and Hall. 296 pp.

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Bukreev, S. & Lukarevski, V. 1997. The perplexities of hunting for profit: case study, Turkmenistan. Russian Conservation News, 11: 37-39.

Campbell, B., ed. 1996. The miombo in transition. Woodlands and welfare in Africa. Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR. 266 pp.

Cannon, P. 1997. Strategies for rapid assessment of fungal diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6(5): 669-680.

Chan, F. & Dionglay, M. 1996. Utilization of giant ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) seed flour as plywood glue extender. FPRDI Journal, 22(2): 1-14.

Clay, J. 1997. Market opportunities for addressing the environmental and social impacts of wild-captured and pond-produced shrimp. Intercoast Network (Special edition), 1: 18.

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Coones, O.T. & Burt, G.J. 1997. Indigenous market-oriented agroforestry: dissecting local diversity in western Amazonia. Agroforestry Systems, 37(1): 27-44.

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Cunningham, M. 1997. Review of trade structure and elaboration of an identification guide for Prunus africana. Unpublished report for BfN, Betty’s Bay. 41 pp.

Dawson, I. 1997. Prunus africana: how agroforestry can help save an endangered medicinal tree. Agroforestry Today, 9(2): 15-17.

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Dicum, G., ed. 1995. Local heritage in the changing tropics: innovative strategies for natural resource management and control. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Bulletin Series No. 98. New Haven, CT, USA, Yale University.

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Fusun Ertug-Yaras. 1997. An ethnoarchaeological study of subsistence and plant gathering in central Anatolia. Washington University. UMI reference: AAT 9730941. 768 pp. (Ph.D. thesis)

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Essential oils are aromatic, volatile extractives from plants (leaves, flowers, fruit, bark and wood usually obtained by the technologically simple process of steam distillation. They are used as flavours, fragrances and for medicinal or health purposes. Although many of the components of essential oils can be produced synthetically, a market preference for natural products has ensured not only the survival of the industry but provided it with a steady growth rate. Prospects for the future also look good as living standards rise and especially in Asia with a culture of utilizing natural products.

Various Melaleuca species have provided the basis for major industries, e.g. Australian tea tree oil, cajuput oil (Indonesia) and niaouli oil (New Caledonia). The Indonesian cajuput oil industry, which is based on the leaf oils of both natural and planted stands of M. cajuputi is described as an example of the successful use of tropical melaleuca for oil production.

The study hoped to identify some new or interesting oils in the species screened that might have commercial potential, so as to increase the range of options available to would-be essential oil producers in tropical environments.

Predicting which of the oils highlighted in this report could be the basis of new industries, and in what localities production would be feasible, is difficult. Any new development must be market-driven, so inputs are now required from industry to identify possible oils of commerce. Once suitable oils are identified, the next step of evaluating the performance of the source species in a range of environments can proceed. (From J.J. Brophy & J.C. Doran. 1996. Essential oils of Asteromyrtus, Callistemon and Melaleuca species. [Preface.] ACIAR Monograph No. 40. 144 pp.)

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