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The main objectives of the working paper are:

· to present the current situation and the possible evolution of the forest resources in the Asia Pacific region.

· to propose an outlook of the roundwood supply in the Asia Pacific region to the year 2010.

To achieve these objectives, the study focused on the assessment of the current situation, trends and likely developments of the forest resources. Forest areas, growing stocks, increments and fellings have been reviewed on a country basis. Key driving forces of forestry sector development such as policy changes have been assessed to develop a likely quantitative forest scenario for the year 2010.

Roundwood supply has been analysed from two points of view: - roundwood production potential (increment) as the total estimated capacity to produce roundwood; and roundwood felling (removal) as the total roundwood harvested. Considering the impact of changes in the agricultural frontier and the population growth, the working paper has attempted to assess the potential productive capacity and fellings for both fuelwood and industrial wood uses.

The focus on wood production given in the working paper does not imply lower importance to other forest products or functions. These other functions are dealt with by other papers under the Asia Pacific forestry sector outlook study.

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