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1. Information Mongolia, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1990
2. Mongolia Environmental Action Plan, Ulaanbaatar, 1995
3. Mongolia update by UNDP, Ulaanbaatar, 1994-1995
4. Country Report for the Group Training Course in Reforestation Promotion Leader, Ulaanbaatar, 1995
5. Environment Management for Sustainable Development in Mongolia, Adelaide, 1994
6. Draft of Forestry Sector Strategic Development in Mongolia, Helsinki, 1995
7. Environmental Package Law of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 1995
8. John S. Major, "The Land and People of Mongolia", New York, 1990
9. The Forest Resources Management Study in Selenge aimag in Mongolia, JFTA, Tokyo, 1995
10. Materials of Ministers Council of Nature and Environment, Ulaanbaatar, 1996

Map 1 - Forest Areas of Mongolia

Map 2 - Wood Working Industry in Mongolia

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