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1. Preamble

2. Annex A: Guideline for the Development of Maximum Levels of Use for Food Additives with Numerical Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs)

3. Annex B: The GSFA Food Categorization System

4. Annex C: Cross-reference to Codex Commodity Standards and the GSFA Index of Food Additives

List A: JECFA “Approved” Food Additives, with ADIs and International Numbering System (INS) Numbers

List B: INS Numbers for JECFA “Approved” Food Additives with ADIs

5. Table 1: Additives Permitted for Use Under Specific Conditions in Certain Food Categories or Individual Food Items[31]

6. Table 2: Food Categories or Individual Food Items in Which the Use of Food Additives are Permitted Under Specified Conditions

7. Table 3: Additives with Non-Numerical ADIs Permitted for Use in Food in General in Accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice Unless Otherwise Specified (ALINORM 97/12A, Appendix IV)

Annex to Table 3: Food Categories and Individual Food Items Where the Use of Food Additives with Good Manufacturing Practice Limitations on Use are Not Allowed or Restricted

[31] Newly formatted Schedules 1 and 2 are henceforth referred to as Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

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