IRAQ* (6 April)

Prospects for the 1998 cereal harvest in May/June remain uncertain. The rainfall has been below average and unevenly distributed, and has substantially affected sowing operations. Production is likely to be constrained again this season by serious shortages of quality seeds, fertilizer, spare parts for agricultural machinery, agro- chemicals, vaccines and the widespread incidence of pests, weeds and animal diseases.

Despite some improvement in the overall food supply situation following the implementation of Security Council Resolution 986, malnutrition still remains a serious problem throughout Iraq. Although food rations under SCR 986 provides a significant proportion of overall energy and protein needs, the provisions are low or deficient in a number of other nutrients, particularly Vitamins. In view of these shortfalls in the food rations under SCR 986, the U.N. Security Council has approved a proposal to increase by US$ 3.26 billion to US$ 5.26 billion, from its current level of US$ 2 billion, the amount of oil Iraq is allowed to sell over a period of six months, to buy food, medicine and health supplies, and emergency infrastructure repairs.