NIGER (2 April) FS

Seasonably hot and dry conditions prevail. Harvesting of recession crops is underway. Aggregate cereal production in 1997/98 is estimated at 2.25 million tonnes, marginally down on 1996 but 4 percent above the average of the past five years. Some Desert Locusts may be present in a few places of Tamesna.

However, food supply is anticipated to be tight in several areas which gathered poor crops, some for the second or third successive year. Cereal prices are particularly high in these areas. The National Early Warning System (SAP) estimates that the most affected areas are the arrondissements of Diffa, Abalack, Agadez, Ouallam, Tchitabaradem, Arlit, Bilma, Maïné Soroa, N’Guigmi and Tchirozerine, the first five being particularly at risk. With donor support, the Government has launched an off- season production programme to cover the needs of the affected populations. A mid-term evaluation estimated that the programme is quite successful as about 43 000 hectares have been planted and production could reach 800 000 tonnes of vegetables, which is equivalent to 144 000 tonnes of cereals. However, higher than normal migrations to Mali of families or men in search of work are reported from the north of Tillabery department.