TANZANIA (20 April)

In the bi-modal rainfall northern and northeastern areas, drier weather from mid-February to early March, following heavy rains from October, allowed harvesting of the 1997/98 “Vuli” crops and improved soil conditions for land preparation and planting of the 1998 “Masika” crops. Early prospects are favourable reflecting ample soil moisture.

In unimodal areas of central, western, southern and southwestern areas, average to above-average precipitation during the first two dekads of April benefited the main maize crop at tasselling stage, reported to be in fair to good condition. However, heavy rains and floods at planting time resulted in delays of field operations and reductions in the area planted. Preliminary official forecast point out to a decline in maize production from the reduced level of last year.

The abundant rains of the past months have benefited perennial crops, as well as pastures and livestock.

The food supply situation is difficult in areas where harvests were poor in 1997. Despite an improvement in road conditions following extensive flooding, food aid distributions continue to be hampered by the damage to the transport infrastructure.