ZAMBIA (2 April)

Widespread and abundant rains received in most parts of the country in January and February were beneficial to crops, particularly in Southern and Western Provinces. However, excessive rainfall, resulting in localized flooding, adversely affected the crops in the Northern, Luapula and Eastern provinces. Although the extent of damage has not been fully assessed, the wet conditions affected yields due to water-logging and loss of soil nutrients.

Early prospects for the 1998 cereal harvest are favourable in the major growing areas. Provided conditions do not deteriorate during the next few weeks, production should be higher than the 1997 level of 1.1 million tons. The current food supply situation is generally satisfactory as a result of recent imports of maize and available cereal supply should cover needs until the arrival of the new crop. However, additional imports may be required during the 1998/99 marketing year to cover the country�s cereal needs. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is scheduled to visit the country in April/May to estimate the 1998 production, evaluate the impact of floods and forecast the country�s import needs for the 1998/99 marketing year.