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Country  Marketing year  1996/97 or 1997  1997/98 or 1998 
Actual imports  Total  Import position 
Commercial purchases  Food aid  Total commercial and aid  Import requirements (excluding re-exports)  Total commercial and aid  Food aid allocated, comitted or shipped  Commercial purchases
21 401.1 1 950.6 23 351.7 24 619.0 10 201.8 1 427.2 8 774.6
Northern Africa
12 184.2 178.4 12 362.6 12 580.0 7 537.6 58.0 7 479.6
Egypt July/June 9 886.0 176.6 10 062.6 9 400.0 5 664.3 45.5 5 618.8
Morocco July/June 2 298.2 1.8 2 300.0 3 180.0 1 873.3 12.5 1 860.8
Eastern Africa
2 578.5 740.5 3 319.0 3 938.0 1 048.8 711.5 337.3
Burundi Jan./Dec. 37.0 0.0 37.0 60.0 7.9 7.9 0.0
Comoros Jan./Dec. 40.9 3.1 44.0 46.0 1.9 1.9 0.0
Djibouti Jan./Dec. 66.7 12.8 79.5 66.0 1.9 1.9 0.0
Eritrea Jan./Dec. 35.0 48.5 83.5 280.0 51.5 51.5 0.0
Ethiopia 2/ Jan./Dec. 37.8 329.7 367.5 530.0 447.4 447.4 0.0
Kenya Oct./Sept. 1 623.0 88.1 1 711.1 1 179.0 232.7 43.2 189.5
Rwanda Jan./Dec. 2.1 193.0 195.1 170.0 62.0 62.0 0.0
Somalia Aug./July 180.0 10.3 190.3 330.0 29.3 7.9 21.4
Sudan Nov./Oct. 493.7 49.5 543.2 452.0 89.7 18.3 71.4
Tanzania June/May 62.3 5.5 67.8 825.0 124.5 69.5 55.0
Southern Africa
1 135.6 414.7 1 550.3 1 983.0 951.1 291.2 659.9
Angola April/March 265.8 198.1 463.9 531.0 301.6 140.6 161.0
Lesotho April/March 93.4 33.8 127.2 263.0 102.8 7.8 95.0
Madagascar April/March 69.2 17.2 86.4 168.0 56.4 22.8 33.6
Malawi April/March 75.6 37.6 113.2 347.0 24.4 1.5 22.9
Mozambique April/March 154.7 118.1 272.8 214.0 235.5 100.7 134.8
Swaziland May/April 70.6 6.0 76.6 47.0 56.1 0.0 56.1
Zambia May/April 118.0 3.9 121.9 388.0 42.8 9.4 33.4
Zimbabwe April/March 288.3 0.0 288.3 25.0 131.5 8.4 123.1
Western africa
4 846.2 593.8 5 440.0 5 449.0 546.3 346.0 200.3
Coastal countries 3 013.9 391.8 3 405.7 3 398.0 330.3 179.6 150.7
Benin Jan./Dec. 112.1 24.6 136.7 120.0 2.3 2.3 0.0
Cote d'Ivoire Jan./Dec. 462.8 53.5 516.3 610.0 46.3 46.3 0.0
Ghana Jan./Dec. 377.6 89.0 466.6 410.0 88.2 42.1 46.1
Guinea Jan./Dec. 371.7 3.4 375.1 400.0 2.9 2.9 0.0
Liberia Jan./Dec. 85.9 115.0 200.9 210.0 70.7 70.7 0.0
Nigeria Jan./Dec. 1 373.2 0.0 1 373.2 1 300.0 104.9 0.3 104.6
Sierra Leone Jan./Dec. 149.0 99.7 248.7 260.0 15.0 15.0 0.0
Togo Jan./Dec. 81.6 6.6 88.2 88.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sahelian countries 1 832.3 202.0 2 034.3 2 051.0 216.0 166.4 49.6
Burkina faso Nov./Oct. 117.6 23.3 140.9 242.0 17.7 17.7 0.0
Cape Verde Nov./Oct. 50.7 51.5 102.2 100.0 46.9 46.9 0.0
Chad Nov./Oct. 63.0 21.6 84.6 73.0 42.9 42.9 0.0
Gambia Nov./Oct. 96.9 9.0 105.9 125.0 0.6 0.6 0.0
Guinea Bissau Nov./Oct. 80.3 6.2 86.5 66.0 8.2 0.9 7.3
Mali Nov./Oct. 96.6 24.5 121.1 70.0 14.0 14.0 0.0
Mauritania Nov./Oct. 344.0 35.0 379.0 330.0 13.4 13.4 0.0
Niger Nov./Oct. 247.7 19.9 267.6 265.0 29.4 29.4 0.0
Senegal Nov./Oct. 735.5 11.0 746.5 780.0 42.9 0.6 42.3
Central Africa
656.6 23.2 679.8 669.0 118.0 20.5 97.5
Cameroon July/June 248.9 1.2 250.1 260.0 51.3 1.5 49.8
Cent.Afr.Rep. Jan./Dec. 38.9 0.1 39.0 39.0 0.8 0.8 0.0
Congo July/June 109.6 13.4 123.0 95.0 16.9 10.2 6.7
Congo, Dem R Jan./Dec. 243.4 6.3 249.7 255.0 47.3 6.3 41.0
Eq. Guinea Jan./Dec. 8.9 0.1 9.0 9.0 0.7 0.7 0.0
Sao Tome Jan./Dec. 6.9 2.1 9.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
33 810.9 1 864.8 35 675.7 38 600.0 22 664.1 1 733.3 20 930.8
603.4 105.5 708.9 710.0 172.5 143.7 28.8
631.8 618.2 1 250.0 1 800.0 1 256.1 556.1 700.0
25.0 0.0 25.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
38.0 39.1 77.1 75.0 12.0 12.0 0.0
China 3/
13 393.9 106.1 13 500.0 11 200.0 6 386.5 86.5 6 300.0
1 508.4 225.7 1 734.1 1 700.0 1 567.7 205.5 1 362.2
5 919.5 0.0 5 919.5 8 500.0 4 647.6 5.0 4 642.6
Korea, D.P.R.
710.1 521.6 1 231.7 1 951.0 525.4 419.2 106.2
26.2 44.1 70.3 60.0 7.1 7.1 0.0
32.3 2.7 35.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
255.0 5.0 260.0 178.0 15.1 15.1 0.0
8.2 4.0 12.2 15.0 5.0 4.9 0.1
Pakistan 4/
2 483.5 7.6 2 491.1 4 100.0 4 561.3 169.0 4 392.3
3 756.1 39.9 3 796.0 3 550.0 2 750.2 0.0 2 750.2
Sri Lanka
1 112.5 83.0 1 195.5 1 100.0 277.6 75.1 202.5
750.9 8.4 759.3 900.0 360.8 5.1 355.7
2 556.1 53.9 2 610.0 2 700.0 119.2 29.0 90.2
CENTRAL AMERICA 4 181.1 224.8 4 405.9 4 805.0 1 425.6 344.4 1 081.2
Cuba 5/
1 443.5 6.5 1 450.0 1 555.0 178.1 4.1 174.0
Dominican Rep.
1 039.4 3.0 1 042.4 1 045.0 193.2 0.1 193.1
740.0 39.8 779.8 920.0 359.7 43.5 316.2
396.7 108.7 505.4 605.0 289.2 192.2 97.0
369.2 32.1 401.3 365.0 238.5 32.9 205.6
192.3 34.7 227.0 315.0 166.9 71.6 95.3
755.5 139.5 895.0 961.0 359.5 170.6 188.9
208.2 124.6 332.8 376.0 240.3 153.5 86.8
512.7 9.5 522.2 545.0 86.9 0.2 86.7
34.6 5.4 40.0 40.0 32.3 16.9 15.4
356.1 0.0 356.1 357.0 18.8 0.0 18.8
7.0 0.0 7.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Papua New Guinea 300.3 0.0 300.3 300.0 18.8 0.0 18.8
16.8 0.0 16.8 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solomon Isl.
22.0 0.0 22.0 22.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tokelau 5/
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 010.2 550.8 4 561.0 4 224.0 1 524.1 637.5 886.6
255.0 101.0 356.0 360.0 164.1 146.7 17.4
434.0 11.3 445.3 500.0 94.9 90.8 4.1
452.0 32.5 484.5 435.0 97.8 52.8 45.0
Bosnia&Herzegovina 5/ 57.2 215.0 272.2 275.0 103.3 82.5 20.8
539.0 90.6 629.6 505.0 216.7 122.2 94.5
Macedonia, FYR
240.0 0.0 240.0 240.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Kyrgyz Republic
108.0 19.2 127.2 104.0 82.9 82.5 0.4
174.0 81.2 255.2 299.0 173.8 60.0 113.8
531.0 0.0 531.0 559.0 56.5 0.0 56.5
1 220.0 0.0 1 220.0 947.0 534.1 0.0 534.1
64 514.9 4 730.5 69 245.4 73 566.0 36 193.9 4 313.0 31 880.9

1/ Includes food deficit countries with per caput income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance (i.e. U.S.$ 1465 in 1995),
which is in accordance with the guidelines and criteria agreed to by the CFA should be given priority in the allocation of food aid. The status of Iran still to be determined.
2/ Includes refugee needs.
3/ Includes import requirements of Taiwan Province.
4/ Excludes Afghan refugee requirements.
5/ Classified as LIFD countries as of January 1996.
6/ Data for CIS members includes intratrade between the Republics.
7/ Provisional estimate.

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