BULGARIA (10 June)

Prospects remain generally favourable for the 1998 cereal crops and aggregate output is forecast at about 5.7 - 5.8 million tonnes, compared to 6.2 million tonnes in 1997. Of the total, wheat is expected to account for about 3.3 million tonnes. The wheat area for harvest is estimated at 1.08 million hectares and although significant variations in crop conditions are reported throughout the country, average yields are forecast at just over 3 tonnes/hectare. However, some uncertainties still surround the final outcome of the harvest. Warm and humid spring weather caused considerable disease problems in wheat crops, and despite reasonable control measures, the quality of wheat is expected to be affected. In addition, farmers generally poor financial situation has been aggravated by difficulties in selling last year�s surplus wheat crop, and this may lead to delays in this year�s harvest.