COLOMBIA (10 June)

Normal rains have resumed since mid-April over most of the growing areas following months of abnormally dry weather in some parts and heavy rains and flooding in others caused by El Niņo. The rains helped restore much needed moisture particularly in the northwestern parts and benefited planting of the 1998 first season maize and paddy crops. Fearful of losing their crops, farmers decided to wait for the definite arrival of the rains. Planting for most crops is consequently lagging behind schedule but is nevertheless expected to be completed in time. The 1998 maize output is forecast to recover from the low level reached in 1997 when the crop was severely damaged by El Niņo. An average paddy production is also anticipated assuming normal weather conditions remain. By contrast, sorghum output further declined from the poor level of the previous year as the agricultural cycle for the main crop coincided with the peak impact of El Niņo phenomenon.