FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2, August 1998 -

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Area: 1 030 000 sq.km
Climate: Mostly a Saharian country; semi-arid fringe in extreme south with rains in June-September
Population: 2.49 million (1998 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 460 (1995)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; coastal country
Logistics: Port capacity adequate, though storms during January-March sometimes cause difficulties
Major foodcrops: Wheat, rice, millet and sorghum
Marketing year: November/October; Lean season: July-September
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 54 percent


First rains in June allowed plantings in some areas. The first significant rains were received in the south and south-east on 11, 16, 20-21 and 24 June. They permitted first localised planting of coarse grains in Guidimaka region. Elsewhere, mainly seasonably dry conditions prevailed up to late July, when rains progressed northwards. Plantings are underway.

Following the first rains, pastures have started to grow in the south and south-west of Hodh El Gharbi. Treatments against grain eating birds have been undertaken in Gorgol and Trarza. No Desert Locust activity has been reported. However, numbers will increase in the summer breeding areas of the south and centre. Laying on a small scale is expected to occur with the onset of the seasonal rains and scattered solitary hoppers may appear.

Following the harvesting of recession and off-season crops, the aggregate output of cereals for 1997/98 is estimated at 152 173 tonnes. This figure, which is close to the estimate by an FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission in October 1997, confirms that production improved from the 1996/97 poor level but remains below average.

The overall food supply situation is anticipated to be tight in the remainder of 1998, notably in the south of Aftout area. Prices of local coarse grains have increased sharply. Following substantial recent commercial imports, wheat and rice prices remain mostly stable. The Government has appealed for international food assistance amounting to about 50 000 tonnes. As of late July, reported pledges amount to 36 000 tonnes.




Coarse grains

Normal Production - 58 104 162
Normal Imports 190 95 20 305
of which: Structural food aid 25 5 10 40
1997/98 Domestic Availability - 54 71 125
1997 Production (rice in paddy terms) - 81 71 152
1997 Production (rice in milled terms) - 54 71 125
Possible stock drawdown - - - -
1997/98 Utilization 200 154 121 475
Food Use 155 138 108 402
of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
Non-food use 25 10 12 47
Exports or Re-exports 20 2 1 23
Possible stock build up - 4 - 4
1997/98 Import Requirement 200 1/ 100 50 350 1/
Anticipated commercial imports 180 95 20 295
Food aid needs 20 5 30 55
Current Aid Position

Food aid pledges 21 6 9 36
of which: Delivered 4 5 1 10
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year) 62 56 44 161

1997 production as % of normal:

1997/98 import requirement as % of normal:

1997/98 food aid requirement as % of normal:


1/ Including 10 000 tonnes for re-export.

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