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Crop prospects are unfavourable reflecting late and limited rains in the centre and the north. Following sporadic rains in the extreme south in mid-May, the rainy season started in the extreme south-east in early June. Rains progressed slowly to the centre and the north, which remained dry up to mid-July. Wet planting of coarse grains started in late July in the north. Satellite imagery indicates that precipitation remained below normal in early August over the entire country. Crop development is severely affected by these insufficient rains. Many plantings failed. Improved rains are urgently needed to avoid further stress to crops and extensive crop failure.

Pastures started to regenerate following first rains in the north but may dry if rains do not improve. Grasshoppers and other insect's infestations are reported in several areas. Grain eating birds (quéléa quéléa) are also present in the Senegal River region. No Desert Locust activity is reported.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)


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