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This document was prepared by staff in the Fishing Technology Service (FIIT), FAO Fisheries Department, based on the text of the principal authors, Mr Phillip Marshall of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and Mr Robert T. Gallagher of Compleat Services Inc. The preparation for publication was carried out by Messrs Wilfried Thiele and Andrew R. Smith (FIIT). This document is a Supplement to the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries No. 1 - Fishing Operations.

The principal authors and the FAO Fisheries Department would like to acknowledge the contributions of Jacques Verborgh of the European Commission; Andy Richards of the Forum Fisheries Agency; Jim Coyle of the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries; Ove Davidsen and Andreas Jaunsen of the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries; Svien Bertheussen consultant engineer of Tromsø, Norway, and Steve Springer of the United States National Marine Fisheries Agency.

It has to be stressed that these Guidelines and Supplements have no formal legal status. They are intended to support the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. It should be remembered that, since the Guidelines and Supplements are intended to be flexible and capable of evolving as circumstances change, or as new information becomes available, they may be further revised and complemented by other guidelines, notes, etc., on specific issues. In this regard, readers are invited to collaborate with FAO in providing any information on relevant technical, policy or legal issues which might be useful in updating, evaluating and improving this document as well as in developing more specific information for the promotion of responsible fisheries.


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FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Fisheries Officers in FAO Regional Offices
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