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References and suggested further reading

Banguinan, P.W., Mesibere, I. & Galgal, K.K. 1996. Beef cattle industry in Papua New Guinea: Issues and constraints. In S.D. Lee & D.C. Macfarlane, eds. The status of forage based ruminant production in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop held on the islands of Upolu and Savaii, Western Samoa. 8–11 December, 1995. Apia, FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific.

Corniaux, C. & Sarrailh, J.M. 1997. Fodder shrubs and trees in New Caledonia. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Forage Development and Minewaste Rehabilitation. New Caledonia, 7–11 April 1997, CIRAD-NAPPEC-SPC, pp. 25–29.

de Frederick, D.F. 1979. Pig production and diseases in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. M. V.Sc. thesis, The University of Queensland.

Eberhard, R. & Robinson, K. 1993. Project impact surveys: methodology and results. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

*Evans, T.R. & Macfarlane, D.C. 1990. Pasture species identification and adaptation. Vanuatu Pasture Improvement Project. Technical Bulletin no.1. Brisbane, CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pasture and GRM International Pty. Ltd.

*Evans, T.R., Macfarlane, D.C. & Mullen, B.F. 1992. Sustainable commercial beef production in Vanuatu. Vanuatu Pasture Improvement Project. Technical Bulletin no. 4. Port Vila, Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Horticulture.

Eberhard, R. & Robinson, K. 1993. Project impact surveys: methodology and results. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

Evans, T.R., Macfarlane, D.C. & Mullen, B.E. eds, 1993. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

FAO, 1988. FAO production yearbook. 1988. FAO Statistical Series. Rome, FAO.

*FAO, 1993. Guidelines for land-use planning. FAO Development Series 1. Rome, FAO. 96 pp.

FAO, 1996. Regional Pasture Improvement Training Project. Terminal statement. Rome, FAO.

FAO, 1997a. Agriculture database. Rome, FAO.

FAO, 1997b. Human nutrition in the developing world. FAO Food and Nutrition Series no. 29, Rome, FAO.

Fraser, N. 1997. Trade liberalisation issues for South Pacific countries. Paper presented to South-West Pacific Regional Ministers of Agriculture Meeting. 24–26 June, 1997. Apia, Samoa, FAO Sub-Regional Office.

Galgal, K.W., McMeniman, N.P. & Norton, B.W. 1994. Effect of copra expeller pellet supplementation on the flow of nutrients from the rumen of sheep fed low quality pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens). Small Ruminant Research, 15:31–87.

Gama, J., Galgal, K.K. & Thorold, D. 1991. Beef sector review. Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Food Management Branch, Department of Agriculture and Livestock.

*Gutteridge, R.C. & Shelton, H.M. 1994. Forage tree legumes in tropical agriculture. Wallingford, United Kingdom, CAB International.

Macfarlane, D.C. 1993a. Vanuatu Pasture Improvement Project: Structure, Programmes and achievements. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

Macfarlane, D.C. 1993b. Sustainable animal production from various tropical pasture systems. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

Macfarlane, D.C., Evans, T.R., Mullen, B.F. McDonald, C.K. & Eberhard, R. 1994. Technical report of Vanuatu Pasture Improvement Project (June 1988 to November 1993). Canberra, AIDAB and Port Vila, Department of Livestock.

Macfarlane, D.C. 1996. Regional project design document: Sustainable Commercial Animal Production from Pastures in South Pacific Farming Systems (SCAPP)/Government Co-operative Programme. Rome, FAO.

Macfarlane, D.C. 1997. The need for regional training in improved management of grazed pasture and inter-cropping systems under coconuts in the South Pacific. Paper presented to Southwest Pacific Regional Ministers of Agriculture Meeting, 24–26 June, 1997. Apia, Samoa, FAO Sub-Regional Office.

*Macfarlane, D.C., Chand, S., Rogers, C & Singh, A. 1988. Trees and animals. InAgroforestry kit for the Southwest Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, 11–22 August 1997. Suva, Fiji. European Union-Pacific Regional Agriculture Programme. In press.

*Macfarlane, D.C., Mullen, B.F., Kamphorst, J., Banga, T., William, M. & Evans, T.R. 1991. Managing pastures and cattle in Vanuatu. Technical Bulletin no. 3. Port Vila, Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Horticulture.

Macfarlane, D.C. & Shelton, H.M. 1986. Pastures in Vanuatu. ACIAR Technical Report no. 2.

MAFF, Fiji. 1994. Animal Health and Production Division annual report. Suva, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

MAF, Solomon Islands. 1994. Livestock Division report. Honiara, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

MAF, Tonga. 1994 Livestock Division annual report. Nuku'alofa, Tonga, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

MAFFM, Samoa. 1989, 1997. Livestock Division STPLSP reports. Apia, Samoa, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Meteorology.

Marchal, V., Desvals, L., Tuyienon, R. & Mercier, P. 1993. Current status of pasture/animal production in New Caledonia. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

Marchal, V. 1997. Systems d'alimentation des bovins en conditions tropicales seches sur la côte ouest de la Province Nord (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Proceedings of a regional workshop on forage development and minewaste rehabilitation, New Caledonia, 7–11 April 1997. CIRAD-NAPPEC-SPC, pp. 30–34.

Mullen, B.F., Macfarlane, D.C. & Evans, T.R. 1993. Weed identification and management in Vanuatu pastures. Vanuatu Pasture Improvement Project. Technical Bulletin no. 2, 2nd edn. Port Vila, Vanuatu, Department of Livestock.

Norman, D., Umar, M., Tofinga, M & Bammann, H. 1995. An introduction to a farming systems approach to development (FSD) for the South Pacific. FAO Farm Systems Management Series, Special issue. Apia, Samoa, University of the South Pacific, Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture.

Norton, B. W. & Alam, M.R. 1996. Nutritive value and animal production form fodder trees. In J.M. Roshetko & R.C. Gutteridge, eds. Nitrogen fixing trees for fodder production: A field manual. Morrilton, Arkansas, USA, Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net), c/o Winrock International.

Opio, F. 1993. Experiences in coconut based farming/cropping systems in the South Pacific. In N.K. Nair et al., eds. Advances in coconut research and development. Proceedings of an international symposium, Kasaragod 26–29 November 1991. Indian Society of Plantation Crops, pp. 369–381.

Partridge, I.M., Middleton, C. & Shaw, K. 1996. Stylos for better beef. Queensland, Department of Primary Industries.

Partridge, I.M., & Ranacou, E. 1974. The effect of supplemental Leucaena leucocephala browse on steers grazing Dicanthium caricosum in Fiji. Tropical Grasslands 8(4): 107–112.

*Reynolds, S.G. 1995. Pasture-cattle-coconut systems. Bangkok, Thailand, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

*Roshetko, J.M. & Gutteridge, RC. 1996. Nitrogen fixing trees for fodder production: A field manual. Morrilton, Arkansas, USA, Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net), c/o Winrock International.

Saville, P.H. 1994. Report on the animal health status of the Pacific Islands Countries. Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission.

Shelton, H.M., Schottler, J. & Chaplin, G. 1987. Cattle under Trees, Solomon Islands. Brisbane, Department of Agriculture/The University of Queensland.

Skea, F., Macfarlane, D.C. & Pointing, S. 1993. Beef industry background, structure and economic performance in Vanuatu. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

STPLSP. 1998. Samoa Training Personnel in Livestock Sector Marketing Study report. Canberra, AusAID and Apia, Samoa, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Meteorology.

Vanuatu Statistics Office. 1994. Vanuatu national agriculture census, main report. Port Vila, National Planning and Statistics Office.

Wate, D. 1996. Solomon Islands country paper. In T.R. Evans, D.C. Macfarlane & B.F. Mullen, eds. Sustainable beef production from smallholder and plantation farming systems in the South Pacific. Proceedings of a workshop, Port Vila and Luganville, Vanuatu, 2–22 August 1993. Canberra, AIDAB.

Watson, S.D. & Whiteman, P.C. 1981. Grazing studies on the Guadalcanal Plains, Solomon Islands. Effects of pasture mixes and stocking rate on animal production and pasture components. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 97: 353–364.

WHO, 1985. Energy and protein requirements: Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation, Rome, 5–17 October 1981. WHO Technical Report Series 724.

WSTPLSP Review 1995. Training Personnel in Livestock Sector Project: Mid-term review. Canberra, AIDAB, Pacific Regional Team, Centre for Pacific Development and Training.

* Publications suggested for further reading.

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