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The fifth Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific reached the following conclusions:


  • Strongly supported the establishment of a scientific advisory body on the microbiological aspects of food safety, particularly on microbiological risk assessments (para. 13);
  • Recommended that the Commission, through the Secretariat, request the WTO Secretariat to indicate the availability of information or data which could be of utility to Codex in analyzing the status of the use or acceptance of Codex standards (para. 19);
  • Recommended that the Commission appoint a representative to be named by the Government of Australia as the Coordinator for North America and the South West Pacific (para. 74) and;
  • Supported a proposal to address the food safety and nutrition issues surrounding foods developed through biotechnology, and that the nature of such advice should be through the development of a general Standard (para. 77).


  • Suggested that definitive, clear and concise definitions for risk analysis should be decided upon as soon as possible, and stressed a critical need for the elaboration of an introductory narrative on risk analysis in the Codex system (para. 9);
  • Urged considerable caution in relation to the inclusion of reference to the application of the “precautionary principle” in Codex (para. 10);
  • Noted that the current Codex acceptance procedures were not often applied in practice and were probably irrelevant in light of the relevant WTO Agreements (para. 18);
  • Noted that all eligible FAO members of the region were now Members of the Commission (para. 40);
  • Generally endorsed the recommendations of the Workshop on the Administration of National Codex Committees for the Pacific Island Countries (para. 47);
  • Supported the idea of the development of a statement of “Core Functions” of national Codex Contact Points by the Codex Committee on General Principles (para. 66);
  • Noted that the contribution of International Non-Governmental Organizations was extremely valuable, including the contributions from consumer, industry and professionals and scientific organizations (para. 73) and;
  • Noted the observations made at the conclusion of the Workshop on Risk Analysis Relative to Codex in the Region (para. 86).

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