Forests, trees and people - Newsletter - No. 30, march, 1996

Table Of Contents

Forests, Trees and People Newsletter is a quarterly publication distributed to field projects, institutions, organizations and individuals interested in and/or working with community forestry activities. It forms part of the FTP Programme's networking activities which are jointly run by the International Rural Development Centre (IRDC), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; the Community Forestry Unit, FAO, Italy; and regional programme facilitators in Asia, Africa, Latin and North America.

The network is designed to share information about improved methods of planning and strengthening community forestry activities and about on-going or planned initiatives of potential interest to its members.

Contributions from interested parties are welcome. Send these and any enquires you may have to:

In English:

For members in Europe:

Editor, Forests, Trees and People Newsletter, IRDC, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7005, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden. (E-mail: [email protected], www:, Fax: 4618-671209)

For members in Africa:

Forest Action Network (FAN), POBox 21428, Nairobi, Kenya. (Fax: 254-2-718398, E-mail: [email protected])

For members in Asia-Pacific countries:

Director, RECOFTC, Regional Community Forestry Training Center, Kasetsart University, P O Box 1111, Bangkok 10903, Thailand. (Fax: 662-5614880, E-mail: [email protected])

For members in North America and the Caribbean:

NACARCE / North American & Caribbean Regional Center - English, 5400 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA. (Fax: 13018973690, E-mail: [email protected])

In French:

Bernard Dabiré, FTPP Regional Facilitator for Francophone Africa, Institut Panafricain pour le Développement - Afrique Central (IPD/AC), B P 4078, Douala, Cameroon. (Fax: 237424335)

In Spanish:

Carlos Herz, Regional Networking Facilitator (Latin America), 12 de Octubre 1430 y Wilson, Apartado 17-12-833, Quito, Ecuador. (Fax: 5932-506267, E-mail: [email protected])

For more information about other FTP Programme activities, contact: Marilyn Hoskins, Community Forestry Unit, Forestry and Planning Division Forestry Department, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, l-00100 R , Italy. (Fax: 39-6-52255514, E-mail: [email protected])

Editial team: Daphne Thuvesson, Vitoon Viriyasakultorn, Eileen Omosa, Bernard Dabiré, Carlos Herz

Layout & design: Bide Linder

Printed on recycled paper by: X-KOPIAOFFSETAB, Uppsala, Sweden

ISSN NR: 1101-4733

Cover photo: Looking for the future. A young Maasai woman, Lengai, Tanzania. Photo: Anders Haglund/Naturbild


Letter from the editor

Diversity and the challenge of globalization

Regeneration of farmers' woodlots

Clearing our own Ikalahan path

Women and the re-making of civil society

Telling our own stories -singing our own songs

Our voices, our words and our pictures

Conflicts over natural resources in maasai district of simanjiro, tanzania

A partnership for long-term food security and local empowerment - bringing the analysis home

Information, activities, events


Letters to the editor

New FTPP publication

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