FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - ANGOLA* (25 November)

ANGOLA* (25 November)

Recent widespread rainfall in the main grain producing areas of the Central Plateau benefited the maize and millet crops due for harvest from April 1999. However, agricultural activities continue to be hindered by shortage of seeds and fertilizers and the displacement of rural people from their farms as a result of continued insecurity in several parts of the country.

Aggregate cereal production in 1998 rose by 37 percent to 599 000 tonnes due to an increase in the area sown and favourable weather. However, the country's food supply situation is expected to tighten in the coming months with large areas in need of food aid. The unstable security situation in several parts of the country has resulted in an ever-increasing need for emergency food aid.

The total cereal import requirement for 1998/99 (April/March) is estimated at 471 000 tonnes, including 121 000 tonnes of food aid. Pledges at the end of October amounted to 120 000 tonnes, of which 58 000 tonnes have been delivered.

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