FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - AZERBAIJAN (24 November)

AZERBAIJAN (24 November)

With harvesting almost completed, the 1998 grain and pulse harvest is officially estimated at 910 000 tonnes, collected from an area of 569 000 hectares. However, official statistics focus predominantly on developments in the large farms and tend to underestimate developments in food production in less traditional areas. At this stage, FAO tentatively estimates the 1998 grain harvest to be at least 1 million tonnes, including some 900 000 tonnes of wheat, against 1.14 million tonnes harvested last year. The decline reflects reduced area sown, notably to barley, and somewhat lower yields.

In the 1998/99 marketing year, commercial cereal imports of nearly 520 000 tonnes are expected. GDP is recovering steadily, but unemployment and the minimum salaries and pensions remain low with about 80 percent of the household income being spent on food. WFP is targeting 215 000 of the IDPs. Net food requirements up to mid 1999 are 6 500 tons of wheat flour, 1 700 tons pulses, 1 400 tons oil and 770 tons of sugar.

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