FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - CHAD (25 November)

CHAD (25 November)

Cumulative rainfall is above average and above last year's level in many areas. In the Sudano-Sahelian zone, heavy rains flooded rice crops but provided abundant ground water supplies in low-lying areas which is favourable for recession sorghum crops. The pest situation remained relatively calm during the season. Pasture is abundant and no major livestock disease has been reported so far.

A joint CILSS/FAO Crop Assessment Mission which visited the country in mid-October estimated the total cereal production at 1 277 000 tonnes, which is 30 percent above the 1997/98 output. It is also 9 percent above the last record crop in 1994/95. Output of cereals has increased compared to last year, with the exception of rice which is lower this year (-11 percent) as a result of adverse weather conditions and shortage of inputs. The overall food supply situation is satisfactory.

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