FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - ETHIOPIA* (25 November)

ETHIOPIA* (25 November)

Harvesting of the 1998 main "Meher" cereal crop is underway. Overall, prospects are favourable reflecting abundant rains during the growing season, particularly in northern parts. Production is anticipated to recover from last year's level which was affected by excessive rains at harvest. However, erratic precipitation in the south-western parts may result in localized reduced harvest.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently in the country to appraise the 1998 Meher production and estimate food aid requirements in 1999. Food aid pledges in 1998 amounted to 719 000 tonnes of cereals of which 503 000 tonnes have been distributed up to the end of November.

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