FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - GUINEA (25 November)

GUINEA (25 November)

Following widespread and abundant rainfall during the whole growing season, the main cereal crops are being harvested and prospects for the 1998 output are favourable.

Latest estimates put the total number of Liberian and Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea at 614 000, of whom about 414 000 are Sierra Leoneans and 200 000 are Liberians. Organised repatriation is underway for the Liberian refugees and about 80 000 have been repatriated since the beginning of the year. However, new refugees have arrived from neighbouring Guinea Bissau, fleeing the on-going conflict.

The cereal import requirement for 1998 is estimated at 410 000 tonnes, mostly wheat and rice.

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