FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - HAITI* (23 November)

HAITI* (23 November)

Virtually the whole country has been affected by Hurricane “Georges” rains and flooding, and mudslides, combined with high force winds in late September. Extensive damage has been caused to the 1998 second season sorghum crop, as well as the millet crop, mostly grown in the central plateau, the large producing Artibonite valley, the south-west and northern parts of the country. In the flooded zones, beans, in particular, as well as vegetables, roots and tubers and other minor food crops are ruined. About 80 percent of the important banana plantations in the south-west have been destroyed. Great losses have been also inflicted to small animal farms. Food assistance from the international community is expected to continue. A project for the immediate rehabilitation of agricultural activities in the most affected areas is in the process of being approved.

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