FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - IRAQ* (25 November)

IRAQ* (25 November)

Rainfall has been much below normal due to an unusual dry spell, which has seriously affected the country. As a result, the sowing of the winter crop has been delayed. Very early prospects for 1998/99 crop are unfavourable so far, especially in the northern part of the country. In addition, production is likely to be constrained again this season by serious shortages of quality seeds, fertilizer and agricultural machinery. In spite of the easing of the food supply situation following the implementation of the “oil for food” deal, malnutrition still remains a serious problem throughout Iraq. The UN Security Council has just approved a fifth phase of oil-for-food deal of US$5.256 billion worth of oil sales over a period of six months, to buy food, medicine and health supplies, and for emergency infrastructure repairs.

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