FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - MALI (25 November)

MALI (25 November)

Abundant rainfall provided sufficient soil moisture to allow good development of crops, even in traditionally dry zones. However, the early end of rains may have adversely affected yields in some northern areas of Kayes and Ségou regions. Water in the Niger and Senegal river valleys is normal and better than in 1997, favouring irrigated rice crops in Ségou and Mopti areas. But localized flooding in Tombouctou and Gao areas resulted in crop losses. The pest situation has been relatively calm. Pastures and water points are generally satisfactory.

A joint CILSS/FAO Crop Assessment Mission that visited the country in late October estimated the 1998 cereal production at 2 524 000 tonnes. This is 13 percent above average and 3 percent over the previous record output of 1994 (2 457 350 tonnes). Better yields and a substantial increase in the cultivated area (35 percent) were achieved compared to the 1993-97 average. Following this record crop, the food supply situation will be satisfactory in 1998/99.

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