FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - SIERRA LEONE* (25 November)

SIERRA LEONE* (25 November)

The food supply situation is improving in Freetown and in the centre of the country, where relatively peaceful conditions now prevail. However, increased insecurity in the major part of the country has severely disrupted most agricultural activities and affected the population’s food security. Food prices are increasing and prospects for food production in 1998 are unfavourable. The planted area is estimated to be substantially lower than last year due to security problems. Flooding occurred in the Kambia and Mambolo areas and destroyed rice fields, following heavy rainfall in mid-August.

There are currently about 50 000 registered internally displaced persons (IDPs), and estimates of another 40 000 to 50 000 IDPs displaced by the continuing violence. The situation has deteriorated significantly especially in the rural areas that are not controlled by ECOWAS forces.

The overall food supply situation remains very precarious. The cereal import requirement for 1998 has been estimated at about 260 000 tonnes, including 80 000 tonnes of food aid.

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