FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/98 - UGANDA (25 November)

UGANDA (25 November)

Widespread abundant rains in the third dekad of October benefited developing foodcrops of the 1998 second season, particularly in the eastern districts where the main maize crop was stressed by dry weather earlier. Prospects for the harvest early next year are favourable.

The rains of the past months have also improved pasture conditions and water availability for the livestock in pastoral districts of Kotido and Moroto.

The overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Prices of food staples, particularly maize, have declined over recent months. In the northern districts of Gulu and Kitgum, affected by civil strife, some improvement in security since July has resulted in a decrease in the number of displaced persons, now estimated at 474 000. However, the food situation remains difficult in these areas. Food assistance is being provided to 400 000 displaced persons, as well as to 126 000 persons in the north-eastern areas affected by a succession of poor harvests.

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