FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 1998 -

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Area: 10 000 sq.km
Climate: Tropical wet-dry climate; one rainy season: May-October
Population: 1.312 million (1998 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 320 (1995)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; coastal sahelian country
Logistics: Port capacity and roads adequate
Major foodcrops: Rice, millet and sorghum
Marketing year: November/October; Lean season: July-September
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 63 percent


A joint CILSS/FAO Crop Assessment Mission which visited the country from 12-16 October estimated the 1998 total cereal production at 120 980 tonnes. This is 6 percent higher than last year and 16 percent above the average of the last five years. Coarse grains increased by 6 percent to 92 727 tonnes, whilst the output of paddy (upland and swamp) increased by about 11 percent.

The overall food supply situation is anticipated to be satisfactory in light of relatively good harvest. Cereal prices started to decline at the onset of the harvest. However, the food supply situation may become tight during the lean season in the Lower River Division, particularly in the Nuimis districts, due to a decline in early millet production.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production - 21 82 103
Normal Imports 20 90 4 114
of which: Structural food aid 1 2 4 7
1998/99 Domestic Availability 2 17 95 114
1998 Production (rice in paddy terms) - 26 95 121
1998 Production (rice in milled terms) - 17 95 112
Possible stock drawdown 2 - - 2
1998/99 Utilization 28 112 98 238
Food Use 21 93 81 195
of which: local purchase requirement - - 5 5
Non-food use 1 3 16 20
Exports or Re-exports 6 16 - 22
Possible stock build up - - - -
1998/99 Import Requirement 26 95 3 124
Anticipated commercial imports 25 90 - 115
Food aid needs 1 5 3 9
Current Aid Position

Food aid pledges - 9 3 12
of which: Delivered - - - -
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 16 70 61 146

1998 production as % of normal:

1998/99 import requirement as % of normal:

1998/99 food aid requirement as % of normal:


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