FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 1998 -

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Area: 824 000 sq.km
Climate: Mostly arid (south-west and coast) or semi-arid. Only north and north-east gets regular rainfall in November-April
Population: 1.75 million (1998 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 2 220 (1997)
Specific characteristics of the country: Arid to semi-arid country; cereal production mainly in the north
Logistics: Good road and railway network
Major foodcrops: Millet, maize, sorghum, wheat
Marketing year: May/April;
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 48 percent


Normal rainfall received in early October in the east and south-east of the country benefited pastures and encouraged land preparation for the 1998/99 coarse grain crop. The output from irrigated winter wheat, currently being harvested, is estimated at 6 000 tonnes, higher than last year and above average.

Following the sharply reduced 1998 cereal production, estimated at 59 000 tonnes, which is one-third of last year's above-average output, the food supply situation in the current marketing year is tight. Commercial imports of cereals in 1998/99 (May/April) are estimated to increase to some 155 000 tonnes (120 000 tonnes of maize and 35 000 tonnes of wheat).


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production 4 - 88 92
Normal Imports 30 - 31 61
of which: Structural food aid 1 - 2 3
1998/99 Domestic Availability 16 - 69 85
1998 Production (rice in paddy terms) 6 - 53 59
1998 Production (rice in milled terms) 6 - 53 59
Possible stock drawdown 10 - 16 26
1998/99 Utilization 51 - 189 240
Food Use 51 - 180 231
of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
Non-food use - - 9 9
Exports or Re-exports - - - -
Possible stock build up - - - -
1998/99 Import Requirement 35 - 120 155
Anticipated commercial imports 35 - 120 155
Food aid needs - - - -
Current Aid Position

Food aid pledges - - - -
of which: Delivered - - - -
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 29 - 103 132

1998 production as % of normal:

1998/99 import requirement as % of normal:

1998/99 food aid requirement as % of normal:


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