FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 1998 -

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Area: 17 000 sq.km
Climate: Highland rainy climate. One rainy season (October-April); cool temperatures in May- September
Population: 0.936 million (1998 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 1 170 (1995)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; land-locked country
Logistics: Good road network; imports through Mozambique or South Africa
Major foodcrops: Maize
Marketing year: May/April; Lean season: February-April
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 55 percent


Above-normal rains in early October and moderate precipitation at the end of the month allowed the sowing of the 1998/99 maize crop, which normally accounts for some 96 percent of the aggregate cereal production.

As a result of a larger sown area and favourable weather, the 1998 cereal production increased by 26 percent to 111 000 tonnes. The food supply situation is expected to remain satisfactory until the end of the 1998/99 marketing year due to adequate domestic availability of cereals and planned commercial imports of 48 000 tonnes of wheat and rice.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production 1 3 116 120
Normal Imports 25 2 20 47
of which: Structural food aid 8 - 1 9
1998/99 Domestic Availability - 2 108 110
1998 Production (rice in paddy terms) - 3 108 111
1998 Production (rice in milled terms) - 2 108 110
Possible stock drawdown - - - -
1998/99 Utilization 40 10 123 173
Food Use 38 10 101 149
of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
Non-food use - - 20 20
Exports or Re-exports - - - -
Possible stock build up 2 - 2 4
1998/99 Import Requirement 40 8 15 63
Anticipated commercial imports 40 8 15 63
Food aid needs - - - -
Current Aid Position

Food aid pledges - - - -
of which: Delivered - - - -
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 41 11 109 160

1998 production as % of normal:

1998/99 import requirement as % of normal:

1998/99 food aid requirement as % of normal:


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